
vmdk file is larger

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I have converted vmware machine to virtulbox by the procedure mentioned below.

It is converted and I am able to use it.
The problem is, the drive size is only 30 gb when i login to machine but the vmdk file size is 82 gb.
Can anyone tell how to reduce this.


But vm c:\ is only 34 gb.

4 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • I tried disk defragmentation, but no use - ur00361883 8 years ago
  • I have converted a copy to vhd format using below command.

    VBoxManage clonehd aaaa.vmdk --format VDI aaaa.vdi

    But the converted VHD also having same size. - ur00361883 8 years ago
  • This is not really a packaging problem, but something specific to Virtual Box. Have you tried asking in the user forums for the actual product? - EdT 8 years ago
  • It is not packaging problem exactly, we have cloned end user laptop using Vmware VConvert and using that vmdk file in virtualbox.

    We are trying to minimize the size to upload the vmdk or vhd file to onedrive. - ur00361883 8 years ago

Answers (3)

Posted by: EdT 8 years ago
Red Belt
Did you create a clean standalone clone of your VMWare image before converting it?  You need to get rid of any snapshots as these might be adding to your image size.  Check the size of your VMWare folder that you converted to Virtual Box and let us know how big it was.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt
The virtual disk will have been created from the original source, using the full size of the partition. It shows 30Gb in Windows because that's the amount of actual space that the content is using.

Anyway, VB provides a command line tool to manage disks:

vboxmanage clonehd "source-disk.vmdk" "new-disk.vmdk" --existing
Try Googling 'virtualbox shrink vmdk' and take your pick.

  • Yeah I tried these commands but still same issue. - ur00361883 8 years ago
Posted by: ur00361883 8 years ago
Black Belt
May be this is not the feasible approach, I did the below steps to reduce the size.

1. With Acronis true image I took a backup of the drive as a tib file in network.
2. After that I created a new VM with no OS intalled.
3. When I tried to restore this archive the hard disk is not visible, so I created a basic OS of win 7 without any customization and restored this tib file on top of that partition.
4. Now my backed up OS is restored on the new VM.
5. The size of the new VM is 35 GB.

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