
Websphere Studio Application Developer 5.1 via SMS

I'm trying to figure out how to deploy WSAD 5.1 via SMS 2.0. Has anyone successfully done this. According to the Package deploy descriptions is for 5.x. This is not the case infact the command lines are completely different.

5.x as stated: http://itninja.com/link/this-link2
\setup.exe /w /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=ALL"

5.1 Silent install
"\disk1\setup\setup.exe" -silent -options "\disk1\util\responsefile.txt"

I have tried the -SMS switch, but that doesn't seem to work. I would also like to get some kinds of progress bar, but cannot figure that out either. Any thoughts or help on this would be great. Thanks all

Dan Phillips

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Answers (8)

Posted by: KPrinz 20 years ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt

I had similar issues with distributing 5.1 under On Command CCM. Apparently the setup forks into java.exe and exits.

The java task may well run for 40 minutes or so, depending on network throughput and target machine.

I don't know how SMS handles this, but with CCM you have to wait for something to terminate. A start /w on the setup.exe returns within 40sec or so. So I used the tool "taskwait.exe" to watch the java process. That worked for me, as the install is dead silent, you won't even get a status bar or an finished message out of it...

good luck,


[edited for bad spelling]
Posted by: jdelgadillo 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Dan, would you like to repackage this application for your needs or would you just like to get the application distributed to the clients? I.e. are there any specific 'needs' you would like to address or are most defaults adequate for your installation(s)?

- What you could do is repackage the application (if you do not find the command line solution you are looking for((tool of your choice)) and then generate your own custom installation w/ limited progress bar.

Posted by: Escalion 20 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi there.

I've also a problem with the silent installation of WSAD 5.1.1:
I can't deactivate the language pack feature. The option given in the installation manual just doesn't work... (setup -silent -P feature_lang_pack_wsad_win.active=false). Does anybody know something about that? Is a bug? (Or a feature? ^^)

Posted by: lldan 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
You will want to use a responsefile. Here is the responsefile I used. If you don't want to install something add the # symbol in front of the line. Also here is the command line I used to silently install this beast. C:\Windows\Temp\WSAD\disk1\setup\setup.exe -silent -options "C:\Windows\Temp\WSAD\disk1\util\responsefile.txt" (all on one line)

I used a WiseScript to copy all the files down to the local machine using SMS. Then I kicked off another SMS package (batch file) to run the above (one liner). This worked for me. Good luck

# -P product_root.installLocation=<value>

# -P feature_wasexp5_win.active=<value>

-P feature_was4_win.active=true

-P feature_lang_pack_wsad_win.active=true

-P feature_rational_scm_win.active=true

-P feature_wswb_examples_win.active=true
Posted by: Escalion 20 years ago
Yellow Belt
I used a responsefile:
-P installLocation="C:\Program Files\WSAD"

-P feature_was51_win.active=true

-P feature_was5_win.active=true

-P feature_was4_win.active=true

-P feature_wasexp51_win.active=true

-P feature_wasexp5_win.active=true

# -P feature_lang_pack_wsad_win.active=<value>

# -P feature_rational_scm_win.active=<value>

-P feature_wswb_examples_win.active=true

I also tried
-P feature_lang_pack_wsad_win.active=false

But nothing seems to work...

I am trying to install the program on an english Windows XP with german MUI.

Any other suggestions?
Posted by: Escalion 20 years ago
Yellow Belt
I think I found my mistake. It seems that the language pack feature is always triggered when you make an installation with the UI (I used UI to find out if my responsefile worked correct).

Another Question:
Is there a command line parameter for the logfile?
Posted by: lldan 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I couldn't find one either. I just used the standard install command line pointing to the responsefile. Hope all is well with WSAD. We finally have deployed via SMS. It takes a little while, but at least the beast is automated.
Posted by: MaxPrang 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

I have a additional but relatet problem. The silent installation works ok, but i have to install 2 additional fixpacks (fixpack 2 and fixpack 3) but i can't find any way to deploy these silently, the dokumentation says exactly nothing.

I have tried to repackage the whole installation, but the repackaging seems to run forever, (InstallShield AdminStudio ver. 5.0).

Max Prang
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