
What are the best practices with k1000 Label to include only Newly bulit machines from k2000 system? (deployed that and then removed from label)?

What are the best practices with k1000 Label to include only Newly built machines from k2000 system?
Deployed that and then remove the machine from the label after a day or some action is done?

I would like to use this label so it can auto move to the current OU in AD, Install software for the department it belongs to, and other software for new machines via k1000. After all of this is done if by date, after a day or after all those steps are done it no longer in that label.

How do you best handle this?

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  • Where I work, we have all of the computer built by the K2000 go into a KACE OU in Active Directory. A Smart Label detects if the computer is in that OU and installs our default software and it's set to run updates every 2 hours. When the computer is ready to be shipped to the appropriate office, we use ADUC to move the computer to the OU for that office, and KACE removes the Smart Label.

    For deploying our default apps, we have a Smart Label for each app. The label checks for computers in our KACE OU Smart Label, and verifies the software hasn't been installed yet. This Smart Label is then applied to a software install. - PaulGibson 7 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: Channeler 7 years ago
Red Belt
If you are using version 4.1 or newer, the K2 puts a file called k2000_deployment_info.conf in \ProgramData\Quest\KACE. 

Some customers use a custom inventory rule to read the date/time stamp inside that file to put the machine in a smart label (or remove it from a smart label).

You could aslo make it simple, create a Smart Label based on a Custom Inventory Rule that will verify if k2000_deployment_info.conf  exists in \ProgramData\Quest\KACE.  And if it's there you know it was imaged by the K2000.


  • This is how we do it and it works very well for us. - DaveMT 7 years ago
    • Thanks is very helpful . - itadder 7 years ago
Posted by: five. 7 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
FileInfoReturn(C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\k2000_deployment_info.conf, CreatedDate, DATE) OR FileInfoReturn(C:\ProgramData\Quest\KACE\k2000_deployment_info.conf, CreatedDate, DATE)

That is what mine looks like. Checks both the new and old locations for the file.

  • Thanks this is very helpful... - itadder 7 years ago
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