
What is the difference between installing package through psexec and interactive cmd?

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There  is 1 package called "DimensionalSolutions_Foundation3D_5.5.0", When we run setup.exe thorugh system context we are getting different behaviours.

thorugh psexec - setup.exe installs without any error

through interactive cmd service - it throws internal error - Error Number: 0x80040707

We searched a lot, to investigate, but apart from nelow link did not get much information :


Now confusion is, if its installshield setup's internal problem then why its not throwing error in both the ways? (through interactve cmd and through psexec)

Q - 2,

which installation method is exact replica of sccm installation? interactive cmd? or psexec?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 11 years ago
Red Belt

The interactive CMD opens the CMD for the local System account on the machine it's launched on. PSExec is designed to remote to machines and operate (by default) with THAT machine's System account. The latter is the best way to mimic and deployment system which uses the remote machine's System account. Remember you may have to use the '-h' argument and that you can also specify different credentials to execute the command remotely. That will be mandatory if the command (or any process that it spawns) requires network access.

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