
What Office 365 Deployment Scenarios do you recommend?

We're getting ready to deploy Office 365 to our environment. what deployment scenarios for Office would you recommend and any particular reasons why?
I was thinking something like below.

1) Core suite with Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint
2) Access only
2) Publisher Only
3) OneNote Only
4) Sharepoint, Project

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Answers (2)

Posted by: GAKIS 8 years ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt
I had no issues using the deployment guide found here to deploy the 365 click-to-run version: Here
Posted by: sparky86 8 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
to be honest its all dependent on how the package is generated if you're using the VLK edition (traditional setup.exe with a iso) then that method above is sound

however most 365 subscriptions have the click to run/app-v version 

in this case you have really one advised option is to generate one app-v package or click to run package with all components installed and limit access via SRP,applocker or appsense and have group membership control this access, the reasoning behind this is due to the way 365 operates, if you use click to run it uses its own "thin" version of the app-v client isolated to the running of office and they wouldn't have the ability to talk to each other fully, and the only reason i can think of Microsoft not advising each part to be in its own app-v package could be that the toolkit generates them with the same app/version GUID.

  • You can change the GUID when you create the App-V package, but I don't know why MS added the functionality. MS state in the documentation that multiple O365 packages are not supported on the same machine. Go figure...

    Search for PACKAGEGUID

    Humm maybe I need to do more reading into this, maybe it is possible now? *When I say possible, MS will accept it as supported configuration. I last looked into this in 2014. - rileyz 8 years ago
    • i guess this was added so they can have certain users with all the apps others with only some, and allow the package directories/registries to be stored differently on a shared environment such as citrix. - sparky86 8 years ago

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