
Windows Desktop Search 4.0 - remove "Folder Sync" button

We are about to deploy Outlook 2010 along with WDS 4.0 into our XP environment.
I am trying to customise the WDS 4.0 to hide the "Folder Sync" toolbar button in Windows Explorer.
Does anyone know of a script or registry hack to hide/remove the button? I've done some registry capturing, but it was inconclusive. There were alos no Group Policy settings to control this either.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: jmaclaurin 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
You may be able to capture the change using a legacy app capturing tool like AdminStudio Repackager. Here is what you can try.

  1. Install your app on a workgroup machine with no antivirus and maybe even no network connection.
  2. Open the capture tool and point it at the launching exe that starts the app. If the app is already running, point it at notepad.exe.
  3. Start the capture and when your app opens (or notepad.exe) then make the desired change.
  4. Close the app or finish the capture.
  5. Examine the results of the capture to discover where the change is stored.

FYI, I have done this many times as an easy way to find what is going on in the background. The key is to use a machine that will have little to nothing other than the OS running, and definately no antivirus (lots of noise from AV while its running) and maybe even turn off the Windows Firewall.
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