

I need to place a file in the root of c:\
I have a project created in installshield and the snapshot created "Predefined Folder" [WindowsVolume] and that folder contains file for the root of c:\
Whats is the proper way to copy files to the root?


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Answers (1)

Posted by: Tone 17 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Not sure of the proper way but some things to think about..

You can use the [WindowsVolume] as long as you know the [ROOTDRIVE] is always going to be the same Partition as \Windows

If Windows was intalled to d:\windows and you need to drop files into c:\ you would need to use the ROOTDRIVE property. (assuming drive d: has more space than c:)

If Windows was intalled to d:\windows and the root drive was set to e:\ you would need to create a folder to put your files in and use a custom action type 35 to set the directory to c:\
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