
wise is not capturing all the files present

hi, friends.
i am using wise package studio.
i am not able to capture all the files for my application.
only half of them are being captured.
can u please tell me what the problem may be.
i am trying to capture TOPSPIN

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Answers (5)

Posted by: bheers 17 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Does this happen on all the captures (recaptures)? what kinda files are being omitted ?
Posted by: sumeetgjain 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
if ur application is getting installed without that file and registries u can use picture tacker take first snap shot with picture taker install source on ur msi and take second snapshot with picture taker u will come to know which files and registries are missing.Manually include missing part in ur package.Hope so it wiil solve ur problem
Posted by: India_Repackaging 17 years ago
Blue Belt

In case Wise does not capture the files from your application would mean that the files are already present on the built. I am certain Picture Taker will help when you capture the application on a clean machine.... But ensure you are using a clean machine for captures.

Cheers [8|]
Posted by: AngelD 17 years ago
Red Belt
Which version of WPS are you using?
Did you use snapshot or/and smartmonitor?
Make sure these files are not listed in the exclusion list.
Posted by: Netviz 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Probably also worth checking that the total amount of files isn't over the standard MSI table limit. I think that it's around 32,000 files, so if you have more than that you'll need to change the table configuration to ensure all files are captured.
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