Here's how to perform a silent or unattended installation of Articulate Replay:
First, create a response file. The response file tells the installer what actions to take for user prompts.
"<path>\replay.exe" -r -f1"<path>\response.iss"
The response.iss file contains all the options you selected during installation. Now you're ready to silently install Replay.
Note: If you use the optional skipruntimes flag during installation, you'll need to install Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 separately.
"<path>\replay.exe" -s -f1"<path>\response.iss" -sms
Automatically populate the serial number:
You can automatically populate the Replay serial number on the client computer, so it won’t have to be manually entered later during activation. To do so, set the following registry key.
Disable the "Check for updates" feature:
By default, Replay automatically checks for updates at startup, but you can turn this feature off. Just add the following registry key. (Replace X with the minor update version number. For example, 0 stands for the original release, 1 for Update 1, 2 for Update 2, etc.)
Here's how to perform a silent or unattended uninstall of Articulate Replay:
First, create a response file. The response file tells the installer what actions to take for user prompts.
"<path>\replay.exe" -r -f1"<path>\response.iss"
Now that you have a response file, you're ready to silently uninstall Replay.
"<path>\replay.exe" -s -f1"<path>\response.iss" -sms
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