
AT and T Communication Manager

Version: 7

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Views: 3.6k  |  Created: 03/03/2010

Average Rating: 0
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Deployment Tips (4)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
Here is how I handled this package.

1. Downloaded and ran Setup-ACM-7.1.030.exe
2. Hit setup button the the winzip self extractor dialogue box.
3. Wait for AT&T Communication manager installshield Wizard.
4. Browsed to %temp%
5. Found the temp folder it created by date and time. In my case the folder was WXSE0.TMP. Copied the folder to another location and then canceled the setup wizard. The folder goes away as soon as installshield is canceled.
6. Using the folder I copied to the network, I was able to install the program with msiexec /i setup.msi /qb
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
DOS batch file above to strip off .ale extension doesn't work and should read:

for /r %i in (*.*.ale) do ren "%i" "%~ni"
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
Powershell command to remove .ale:

get-childitem -path "C:\users\whatever\desktop\ACM-6-8-019-Install" -recurse *.ale | rename-item -new
name {$_.name -replace '.ale','}
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
After extracting the installer from ATT using Winrar or Winzip. You'll have to rename *.*.ale extensions. Once you extract the files to a folder. Use the following does command to rename the file extensions to original.

To Debug:
for /r %i in (*.*.ale) do echo "%i" "*.*"

To Use:
for /r %i in (*.*.ale) do ren "%i" "*.*"

Once you have rename the files. You'll need to install the application using the setup.msi. Once the application is installed. You'll need to configure the settings that you want for the application. Most place on the web asks you to modify FeatureManagerSettings.xml.RC4 located %userprofile%\application data\AT&T\Communicator. This does not work consistently.

To disable the WIFI Feature:
It's better to create mst file that changes WIFIENABLED property in the property table, Checkbox few others.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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Communication Manager



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