I was able to create, modify, update, and deploy ILLiad client MSI in an Active Directory environment.
Download the ILLiad client installer.
[Optional] Download the ILLiad client update(s). Note the updates MUST be applied sequentially, for example to update from 8.3 to 8.3.5 you’ll need both 8.3.4 and 8.3.5 updates.
Extract the ILLiad client MSI by running the ILLiad client installer executable, but do not install anything. The ILLiad installer will extract the MSI to your local temp directory (%temp%) into a folder named with a random GUID, such as “{B3C46C99-E4FB-41B8-85E2-ED79767E86FA}”. The ILLiad client MSI will be called “ILLiadClientSetup.msi”.
[Optional] Do the same thing for the ILLiad client update executables. The update is an MSP, patch for MSI packages, called “Update.msp”.
Note the ILLiad client MSI will not install directly, we need to remove a custom action called “ISVerifyScriptingRuntime”. When you try to run the MSI directly the following popup will appear and then close the MSI.
To remove the custom action “ISVerifyScriptingRuntime” and its components delete the follow records from the MSI tables, using an MSI editor like InstEd:
CutomAction: ISVerifyScriptingRunning
AdminUISequence: ISVerifyScriptingRuntime
InstallUISequence: ISVerifyScriptingRuntime
[Optional] Integrate ILLiad update or patch (MSP).
Locate the MSP, called Update.msp, you extracted previously described in step 1.
Move both MSI and MSP into a new folder.
Open a command terminal at this new folder’s location.
Create an Administrative Installation Package (AIP), by running the following command: “msiexec /a ILLiadClientSetup.msi TARGETDIR=%CD%\aip”. This will create a new folder called “aip”.
Update the MSI with the MSP, by running the following command: “msiexec /a aip\ILLiadClientSetup.msi /p Update.msp”. Note the update(s) MUST be in sequential order.
[Optional] To apply multiple updates, replace Update.msp with the next sequential Update.msp and rerun the last step.
[Optional] Customize MSI to install selected features. Modify the corresponding “Level” column to “0” (zero), using an MSI editor, from the Feature table accordingly to REMOVE this feature:
SAM (SQL Admin Module)
P.S. I've follow AppDeploy before it was ITNinja and this is my fist post on ITNinja, please let me know if this is helpful.
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