This application installs a couple of drivers at the end of the installation using a batch file located at " \3rdParty\x86\USBLIBWDI\install_usblibwdi.bat". This batch files uses dpinst.exe to install the drivers. Dpinst.exe prompts for the driver certificates for Autodesk and NewMatter to be added to Trusted Publishers.
In order to make the installation silent we have to add the publishers’ Certificates to the Trusted publishers before installing the drivers. Follow the following steps to do this:
1. Install the drivers on a test machine. Open the snap-in Certmgr.msc and export the Autodesk and NewMatter certificates to some local folder for using it later in the package.
2. During the installation use the command (C:\Windows\System32\certutil.exe -addstore "TrustedPublisher" "FILEPATH\CertName1.cer") to add the certificates to the Trusted Publishers. You may add this command line in the batch file that install the drivers mentioned above i.e. install_usblibwdi.bat.
3. Then modify the driver installation command to make it silent by adding switches like dpinst_x64.exe /Q /A /SE /SW /SA .
Issue: If the above solution doesn’t make the installation silent that means you need to install a couple of hotfixes on your windows 7 computer. These hotfixes are Windows6.1-KB2921916-x64.msu and Windows6.1-KB3033929-x64.msu.View inventory records anonymously contributed by opt-in users of the K1000 Systems Management Appliance.