First you need to extract the setup files from the single-exe using WinZip.
Then record a silent response file by running setup with the -r parameter.
You can use the -f1 parameter to specify the location of the .iss file, otherwise it puts the file in the same place as setup.exe:
setup -r -f1C:\Temp\SetupResponse.iss
You need to go through the wizard one time to provide the default responses.
Then you can run the setup on other machines using the -s parameter.
You can also use the -f2 parameter to specify the location of the log file which contains any output generated by the setup, otherwise the log is created in the same directory as setup.exe:
Here are the instructions for uninstalling:
1) Extract the setup files to c:\temp\ersxxx.
2) Make sure you have ERStudio installed.
3) Then run the following to create the response file:
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