
IDM Computers Solutions,Inc. UltraEdit

Version: 14

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Views: 6.5k  |  Created: 10/21/2008

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Deployment Tips (2)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
I just finished packaging version 14.20. UltraEdit 14.20 comes as a MSI. The registration is written to a uedit32.reg file. The pop up windows, when first launching Ultra Edit (i.e. File Associations, Check for Updates, Tips) are written to the uedit32.ini file.

At first glance UltraEdit puts these files in the user profile application data folder, but you can just put these files in the installation directory and ultra edit will find them at first launch.

I made the following changes in the uedit32.ini as well.
The Path of the TaglistFilename and the Language File are both pointing to their location in the User Profile App.data folder. The TAGLIST.UET EN WORDFILE.UEW files already exists in the installation directory, so you can redirect them to that.

TagListFilename=C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\TAGLIST.UET
Language File=C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\WORDFILE.UEW

I used InstallTailor for this one.
I deselected all the changes that were made to the properties to exclude them from the transform, which held any "Default User" or better yet, 'ProfilesFolder' information in the path name.

Added both the uedit32.reg and uedit32.ini file to the MST. To get the correct uedit32.reg file, install UltraEdit, register it and save that file somewhere. It's in the users profile app.data IDM/Ultra Edit folder, so is the uedit32.ini.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
The locks are set in the INI file or the Registry.

By default the locks are not set. UltraEdit reads the settings first from the INI file. After this it reads the registry. If the values are NOT found in the Registry the INI values are used, otherwise the Registry values are used. If the vales are not found in the INI file or the Registry the locks are not set.

The INI values are:

FTP=1 ; locks FTP
DOSWIN=1 ; locks Dos/Windows program running
ToolsCfg=1 ; locks Tool Configuration
Browser=1 ; locks viewing files in the browser
Macros=1 ; locks macro functionality
RevertToSave = 1 ; locks Revert to Save
Compare = 1 ; locks File Compare
Conversions = 1 ; locks all items in Conversion Sub-menu FileSpecial = 1 ; locks File Special Sub-menu features
QuickOpen = 1 ; locks Quick Open
SaveAs = 1 ; locks Save As and Save Selection As
Projects = 1 ; locks all project functions
HexEdit = 1 ; locks HEX Editing
SpellChecker = 1 ; locks Spell Checking
Lists = 1 ; locks all lists from view menu
Colors = 1 ; locks color selection
Formatting = 1 ; locks Reformat Paragraph and convert wrap/crlf's
Column = 1 ; locks column mode functions
Configuration = 1; locks Configuration
Templates = 1 ; locks templates functions
AddHelp = 1 ; locks Add Help function
ReadOnly = 1 ; locks Read Only
Updates = 1 ; locks Check for Updates
Explorer = 1 ; locks Explorer tab of File Tree View

The Registry values are DWORD values under the key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\Locks\

The DWORD values are:

FTP=1 ; locks FTP
DOSWIN=1 ; locks Dos/Windows program running
ToolsCfg=1 ; locks Tool Configuration
Browser=1 ; locks viewing files in the browser
Macros=1 ; locks macro functionality
RevertToSave = 1 ; locks Revert to Save
Compare = 1 ; locks File Compare
Conversions = 1 ; locks all items in Conversion Sub-menu FileSpecial = 1 ; locks File Special Sub-menu features
QuickOpen = 1 ; locks Quick Open
SaveAs = 1 ; locks Save As and Save Selection As
Projects = 1 ; locks all project functions
HexEdit = 1 ; locks HEX Editing
SpellChecker = 1 ; locks Spell Checking
Lists = 1 ; locks all lists from view menu
Colors = 1 ; locks color selection
Formatting = 1 ; locks Reformat Paragraph and convert wrap/crlf's
Column = 1 ; locks column mode functions
Configuration = 1; locks Configuration
Templates = 1 ; locks templates functions
AddHelp = 1 ; locks Add Help function
ReadOnly = 1 ; locks Read Only
Updates = 1 ; locks Check for Updates
Explorer = 1 ; locks Explorer tab of File Tree View

The Advanced Menu would be locked by setting the "Configuration", "Templates", "DOSWIN" and "ToolsCfg".
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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