
Intel Corporation Intel Visual Fortran

Version: 10

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Views: 4.1k  |  Created: 01/16/2008

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Deployment Tips (2)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
Command Line
This entry is from the install.html provided by Intel.

Silent installation

To invoke silent installation,

Go to the instman folder, which is created inside the folder to which the Intel MKL package is extracted upon the installation start, by default, it is the C:\Program Files\Intel\Download\w_mkl_b_10.0.xxx folder.
Run setupcore.exe, located in this folder, with the appropriate command-line option.
Main options supported:

setupcore.exe -l <LicenseFileName>
setupcore.exe -n <SerialNumber>

where <LicenseFileName> is the full path to the license file and <SerialNumber> is the Serial Number provided by Intel. The -l and -n command-line options are mutually exclusive. In each case, the setupcore.exe silently runs default installation of Intel MKL.

I used the second option:
setupcore.exe -n ABCD-12345678
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
(the below are notes made while creating a zenworks application to rollout Intel Visual Fortran)

Downloaded the installer from intel.com
Ran the downloaded exe, which unpacked the product files into a local folder following the installation instructions found in the unpacked folder, a silent install should be possible by:

From the instman folder, run the following command:
setupcore.exe -l full-path-to-license-file

however this didn't work for me :(

So, I had a look through the install folders and found 3 exes under \install

w_fc_p_10.1.013_IA32.exe - compiler
w_idb_p_10.1.013_IA32.exe - debugger
w_ide_p_10.1.013_IA32.exe - MS VS integrations

Running each extracted an MSI to %userprofile%\local settings\temp which I grabbed

Made a zenworks-native MSI installer - this failed for a locked down user so made a simple application called 'Intel Visual Fortran Compiler v10-1' and in a pre-distribution script

REM Install Compiler
"%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe" /i "%zenapps%\Intel Visual Fortran\v10.1\Intel Visual Fortran Compiler 10.1.msi" /qb-

REM Install Compiler integrations for MS Visual Studio
"%windir%\System32\msiexec.exe" /i "%zenapps%\Intel Visual Fortran\v10.1\Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Integrations for MS VS 10.1.msi" /qb-

REM Install debugger
"%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe" /i "%zenapps%\Intel Visual Fortran\v10.1\Intel Visual Fortran Debugger 10.1.msi" /qb-

(note %zenapps% is a windows variable we've added that points at our zenapps directory)

To install the license files I found you had to copy them to %programfiles%\common files\intel\licenses\ - so in a post-distribution script for the above mentioned application -

copy /Y "%zenapps%\Intel Visual Fortran\v10.1\Licenses\*.*" "%programfiles%\Common Files\Intel\Licenses\*.*"

I next made an application 'Intel Visual Fortran install' which firstly has a dependent application 'Intel Visual Fortran Compiler v10-1' (the app explained above) after which it simply runs

C:\Program Files\Intel\Compiler\Fortran\10.1.013\Docs\Doc_Index.htm
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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