Ad-Aware SE Professional V1.04 repacked with InstallShield Repackager.
This is a fairly easy repack job. Use the "Installation Monitoring" method. After the setup completes you can run the program to set default values and even update the definitions. Think carefully about the target audience when you change various settings (novice vs. geek).
After the setup is complete and before you built the msi file, edit the Updated.isr file in notepad. There are very few registry entries, but you should remove the extra HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSetxxx entries. Make sure to leave the CurrentControlSet entry.
Tested and verified as working on Windows XP SP2 standalone and via GPO to Windows XP SP2 in a Windows 2000 SP4 domain.
Highly Recommend getting the MSI version of the install.
Start and configure the appropriate Ad-Watch and Ad-Aware settings in the Tools & Preferences menu and close. This will cause the preference file for Ad-Watch(awsettings.awc) and Ad-Aware (settings.awc) to be created and saved.
Open the installation account's %application Data% directory, and then navigate to the Ad-Aware SE folder and locate and copy the following config files:
1. settings.awc
2. awsettings.awc
You can place these files where ever it is convenient if you use the +prefs:"%LOC% command line.
We are implementing Ad-Aware with the below command line on the desktop. The Settings.awc becomes a machine standard and is no longer per profile unless run via another command line.
/custom +update +auto +prefs:"C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Professional\settings.awc"
Ad-Watch will run in the registry - loading the +prefs file each from that location each time even though the user's profile is updated with a awsettings.awc file.
"C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Professional\Ad-Watch.exe" +delay +prefs:"C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Professional\awsettings.awc"
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