Copy the installation files to a remote directory.
Run the update.exe and pull the msi out of the current user's path/temp
Copy that MSI (QuarkXPress.msi) to the same remote location
In the remote directory, create a file called setup.xml
Have the following code in the xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Setup Silent="false" InstallForAllUsers="true" ShowOLR="false">
<!--For Windows OS, "Silent" attribute has no effect, use command-line argument instead. For eg., setup.exe /s /v" /qn".-->
<!--For Mac OS, "InstallForAllUsers" attribute has no effect.-->
<!--Validation Code for the product.-->
<ValidationCode MaxLength="47">type in your validation code here (no spaces)</ValidationCode>
<!--Location where to install the application. For Mac OS, "InstallLocation" has no effect.-->
<InstallationLocation>C:\Program Files\QuarkXpress\</InstallationLocation>
<!--User Registration details.-->
<Title MaxLength="5"></Title>
<FirstName MaxLength="11"></FirstName>
<MiddleName MaxLength="11"></MiddleName>
<LastName MaxLength="21"></LastName>
<Company MaxLength="51"></Company>
<Address1 MaxLength="41"></Address1>
<Address2 MaxLength="41"></Address2>
<City MaxLength="31"></City>
<State MaxLength="21"></State>
<ZipCode MaxLength="11"></ZipCode>
<Country MaxLength="15"></Country>
<Phone MaxLength="31"></Phone>
<Fax MaxLength="31"></Fax>
<Email MaxLength="59"></Email>
<!--QLA Server Details.-->
<ServerIP MaxLength="15"></ServerIP>
<ServerPort MaxLength="5"></ServerPort>
<!--Backup QLA Server Details (optional).-->
<BackupServerIP MaxLength="15"></BackupServerIP>
<BackupServerPort MaxLength="5"></BackupServerPort>
You can then create either a run script or a batch file with the following code:
rem Install Quark and Update
"\\remotedirectory\quark 7\setup.exe" /S /v/QN
msiexec /i "\\remotedirectory\quark 7\QuarkXPress.msi" /qn
rem Icon Cleanup
del "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\QuarkXPress.lnk" /q /f
del "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\QuarkXPress\uninstall.lnk" /q /f
del "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\QuarkXPress\Read Me.lnk" /q /f
Quark XPress 7.0 does repackage easily as well using AdminStudio's Repackager.
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