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Views: 4.5k  |  Created: 03/18/2010

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Deployment Tips (1)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
Packaging Notes for Quark QuarkXPress 8.10

Quark 8.10 is a 3 part installation.
1. Quark License Administrator (QLA) 4.5 server
2. Quark License Administrator console
3. QuarkXPress 8.10 client

NOTE: QuarkXpress is compatible with Windows 7.

If the QLA server is to be installed on server 2008 (not sure about R2), it will require to run in 2003sp1 compatibility mode. This will be set after installation by adding these registry keys.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]
"C:\\Program Files\\Quark\\Quark_License_Administrator\\Server\\QLAServer.exe"="WINSRV03SP1"
"C:\\Program Files\\Quark\\Quark_License_Administrator\\Server\\QLAServerService.exe"="WINSRV03SP1"

QLA Console:

The QLA console is to manage the licenses housed on the QLA server. Its a JAVA based install which, at the moment, I have not automated the install for and I am not sure I can.


The QuarkXPress 8.10 client has 2 prerequisites, QuickTime and the Flash Player Plugin (not activex). The versions that come with the installer are 2009 for Flash and 2006 for QT.

The QuarkXPress install itself is managed by a Setup.exe (crreated with InstallShiled 12)that calls the QuarkXPress.msi and Quark Dependency Setup.exe as well as a setup.xml which is automagically created on a completion of a successful install. To pass parameters to the MSI through the EXE, a silent.bat file must be used, but should not be in the same directory as the Setup.exe or it will be overwritten on every subsequent install. The EXE detects what has called it and will block any and all requests to the MSI unless the silent.bat is used.

Once the QLA server is active, a QuarkXPress client install will need to be completed against the live server so that the setup.xml file is properly created for that specific server. Should the server change name or IP (I recommend IP), a new setup.xml will need to be generated to reflect the new server. The same applies if the installation key changes.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Setup Silent="false" InstallForAllUsers="true" ShowOLR="false">
<!-- For Windows OS, the "Silent" attribute has no effect. Instead use command such as setup.exe /s /v" /qn". -->
<!-- For Mac OS, the "InstallForAllUsers" attribute has no effect. -->
<!-- Validation Code for the product. -->
<ValidationCode MaxLength="47">##############################################</ValidationCode>
<!-- Serial Number of QuarkXPress to be upgraded. -->
<UpgradeSerialNumber MaxLength="11"></UpgradeSerialNumber>
<!-- Location where to install the application. For Mac OS, "InstallLocation" has no effect. -->
<InstallationLocation MaxLength="260">C:\Program Files\Quark\QuarkXPress 8\</InstallationLocation>
<!-- User Registration details. -->
<Title MaxLength="5"> </Title>
<FirstName MaxLength="21">Name</FirstName>
<MiddleName MaxLength="1"> </MiddleName>
<LastName MaxLength="21">Lastname</LastName>
<Company MaxLength="51">CompanyName</Company>
<Address1 MaxLength="41"> </Address1>
<Address2 MaxLength="41"> </Address2>
<City MaxLength="31"> </City>
<State MaxLength="21"> </State>
<ZipCode MaxLength="11"> </ZipCode>
<Country MaxLength="15">Withheld</Country>
<Phone MaxLength="31"> </Phone>
<Fax MaxLength="31"> </Fax>
<Email MaxLength="59"></Email>
<!-- QLA Server Details. -->
<ServerIP MaxLength="15">###.###.###.###</ServerIP>
<ServerPort MaxLength="5">10000</ServerPort>
<!-- Backup QLA Server Details (optional). -->
<BackupServerIP MaxLength="15"></BackupServerIP>
<BackupServerPort MaxLength="5"></BackupServerPort>


Using AdminStudio/InstallShield 2010, I created an MST to manage the installation of the MSI which includes the following changes:

Property Manager:
This prevents the desktop shortcut.

This tells the Setup.exe (created with InstallShiled 12) to allow the use of MSI command line switches.

Custom Actions and Sequences:
Change ShortcutsCreate
Install Exec Sequence = <Absent from sequence>

This prevents the Uninstall shortcut from being created in the QuarkXPress start menu folder.

Not everything I tried to put into the MST would work with the Setup.exe (such as copying files and inputting registry keys), so for those changes, I created a secondary MSI. As these are specific to my environment, I won't go into detail.

Quark Dependency Setup.exe:

The Quark Dependency Setup.exe installs QuickTime version 7.0 from 2006 and Flash Player Plugin 9 from 2009. As these versions are out of date, I worked into the install newer versions of both and did not call the Quark Dependency Setup.exe in the silent.bat file. There are ample sources of how to install both of these on this site so I will not go into detail here.


"\\server\folder\Setup.exe" /s /v"/qn ALLUSERS=1 TRANSFORMS="MY.MST" /liwear "QuarkXPress.log""

I am still working on this so I will edit later if I find more.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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Uninstall String

/Applications/QuarkXPress 8/QuarkXPress.app

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