How to manually verify that ampagent is installed on a linux server:
rpm -qa | grep -i "ampagent"
Manually installing KACE ampagent on RHEL 7.6
To set HOST with the Installer file (rename the msi installer file to include host name (FQDN) as follows (bolded)
sudo rpm –Uvh ampagent-<version>.rhel.<bit-ness>
FYI: This will signal to the installation that is the KACE SMA to connect to
To set HOST with environment variable (has to be executed all on one line)
sudo export rpm -Uvh ampagent-<version>.rhel.<bit-ness>.rpm
To set HOST with amp.conf (KACE SMA Management Agent configuration file)
Ensure line in amp.conf for host entry is set
When installing, or trying to install, ampagent on Red Hat you may get an error that lpstat is needed. lpstat can be installed with the following command:
sudo rpm install cups cups-client lpr
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