
Ripple Effects Ripple Effects for Kids

Version: 1

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Views: 1.5k  |  Created: 12/21/2011

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Deployment Tips (1)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
This software could be a breeze to setup out of the box, but the publishers decided to complicate it a lot by adding a bat file to copy files to the local machine rather than just accessing them directly from the server. Here's the easy way.

Create the server folder share for the student data
1. In the shared folder, create a folder named "REKidsNetData"
2. Copy the Student and Config folders from the install cd to this location. These folders are virtually blank and the transfer will take less than a second.
3. Change the folder permissions to be domain users-> modify
4. Hide the folder

Install the client on your packaging machine
1. Do a full install of the client
2. Go to c:\Program Files\Ripple Effects for Kids\CopyToHD\Main
3. Edit prefs.txt (this configures where it looks for the student data)
4. Change the paths to point to the N drive
a. students,\\server\share\REKidsNetData\STUDENTS
b. topics,\\server\share\REKidsNetData\CONFIG
c. These paths can be mapped drives instead
5. Make sure the file "netWorkFlag.txt" exists. This is what tells the program to look at the prefs.txt to find the student data rather than a local location.
6. If it is named "netWorkFlagOff.txt", rename it to "netWorkFlag.txt"
7. Copy the c:\Program Files\Ripple Effects for Kids folder to the deployment software share as the install is nothing but copying this folder to a client and making a shortcut to c:\program files\ripple Effects for Kids\Rekids.exe

Optional: I use a great tool called setres.exe on the net to change the screen resolution on my computers. It works in Windows xp and windows 7 and it can set the screen size to 640X480 which will make this program run full screen.

In addition, I use a fabulous program called AutoHotKey which is an opensource automation language. With it, I record the current screen resolution, change to 640X480 resolution, run ripple effects, then return to normal resolution when the program closes. Make sure you put the setrex.exe and the autohotkey.exe script in the "copyToHD" folder or else you'll have to modify the paths so they are specific rather than relative. Below is the autohotkey code to do this.

SysGet, SWidth, 78
SysGet, SHeight, 79
runwait setres.exe h640 v480 b32
runwait c:\program files\Ripple Effects for Kids\copyToHD\REKids.exe
run setres.exe V%SHeight% H%SWidth% b32
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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