You can install the RSA ClearTrust Servers on Windows using the automated silent installation with an .iss setup file.
To perform a silent installation, create the .iss file and run it from the command line with Setup.exe. Remember that running the silent setup to create the .iss file also installs the RSA ClearTrust Servers in ask mode. Alternately, you can manually write your .iss file or use the example provided with RSA ClearTrust in the \Windows\ct_servers directory on the RSA ClearTrust 5.5 CD. To create and run a setup file for RSA ClearTrust silent installation:
1. Insert your RSA ClearTrust 5.5 CD.
2. Open a command prompt, and type the setup command with the -r switch. In this example, CTInstall is a directory created to store the response file. Also, note that in the command switch -f1c, the 1 is the number one, not the letter L.
Setup.exe -r -f1c:\CTInstall\CTinstall.iss
NOTE: Running the silent setup to get the .iss file also runs the RSA ClearTrust Servers installation.
3. Complete the installation process, providing input as described in "Installing on Windows (Standard Mode)" on page 21. This input is written to the response file in C:\CTInstall with the filename of CTInstall.iss.
4. Type the setup command with -s to run the .iss file. You can use the -f2 switch to specify where to write the installation log file:
setup.exe -s -f1c:\CTInstall\CTinstall.iss
Following this command, the standard setup dialogs display rapidly, the installer exits, and a log file of events and errors is written to the specified location.
5. Generate the required secret keys using the keygen utility as described in "Generating a Shared Secret Using Keygen" on page 118.
6. Copy the license file located on the diskette included with your RSA ClearTrust product package to the RSA ClearTrust Servers configuration directory on each machine on which the Servers are installed:
C:\Program Files\RSA\<CT_HOME>\conf
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