This vendor uses WIX installer as its wrapper.
List of switches are available running SonocentAudioNotetaker_Win_5.3.16.0.exe /?
Running a CMD file using the following switches will force a non-rebooting installation with log files going to the c:\windows\logs\ folder.
SonocentAudioNotetaker_Win_5.3.16.0.exe /INSTALL /QUIET /LOG C:\WINDOWS\logs\sonocent_inst.log /NORESTART
Using the official uninstaller does remove all registry entries for the program as would you would expect. BUT If you try and add in the /norestart switch to the uninstall command from the registry, this doesn't run at all in all combinations. If you add /passive or /quiet to the command line from the registry it just forces the uninstaller into an unprompted reboot of the system. After reboot, you still have to re-trigger the uninstaller. If this set as a "required" uninstall, then this will retry later and work assuming that the system retries during the following reboot but this is a hassle for end users.. don't waste your time ! I already have ! :-|
If you run a MSI query for the product code and get msiexec to do the dirty work of uninstalling the program WITHOUT the unscheduled reboot. This does however cause an issue with reinstallation or supercedence as the desktop icon and start menu items do NOT get set up again. This is due to items left in the registry that would otherwise have been removed with the approved uninstallation process.
Remove the following keys from registry;
Create a .reg file with the keys and add a minus
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
CMD file for uninstallation
start /wait msiexec
/x {9D44260A-8E8D-4F4A-B759-7885F391629B} /qn /lv
regedit /s remove_leftover_regkeys.reg
RD /s /q "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{3c5e077d-4a36-455b-99bd-294af79fd858}"
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