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Views: 22.3k  |  Created: 11/25/2014 by: mlhommedieu

Average Rating: 0
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Deployment Tips (5)

Most Common Setup Type
Windows Installer (MSI)
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 2 / 5 (Somewhat Easy) based on 2 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Windows Installer with Custom Transform (MST)
The biggest issue I ran into with this install was actually the uninstalling of SnagIT 11. After trying multiple Msiexec switches, different methods, etc, I finally set the script to uninstall SnagIT 11 only after installing SnagIT 12 instead of the other way around, which worked like a charm.

Directions on packaging SnagIT 12 for deployment with SCCM 2007:

1. Download the SnagIT 12 MSI from here

2. Download the Techsmith deployment tool, a link is located in the documentation here

3. Create your MST file using the Techsmith deployment tool. I found the documentation to be helpful, but the program itself is also quite easy to follow (pretty much fill in the blank style).

4. Place the SnagIT 12 MSI and MST in a folder (I named the folder SnagIT_12)

5. If you need to uninstall SnagIT 11 during the SnagIT 12 install, grab the MSI you used to deploy SnagIT 11 and also place it in the SnagIT_12 folder.

6. Here is the script I used to install SnagIT 12 and then uninstall SnagIT 11:


PUSHD %~dp0

MKDIR C:\windows\temp\Snagit

copy *.* C:\windows\temp\Snagit


CD C:\windows\temp\Snagit

msiexec.exe /I "C:\Windows\temp\Snagit\snagit.msi" TRANSFORMS="C:\Windows\temp\Snagit\CustInst.mst" /qb /norestart

TASKKILL /IM Snagit32.exe /F /T
TASKKILL /IM SnagitEditor.exe /F /T

MsiExec.exe /x "C:\Windows\temp\Snagit\SnagIT_11.msi" TSC_DATA_STORE=0 /quiet

RMDIR C:\windows\temp\snagit /s /q
Copy the script, paste it into notepad, name it Install.bat, and place it in the same folder as the SnagIT 12 MSI, SnagIT 11 MSI, and your MST.

If you do not need to uninstall SnagIT 11 after installing SnagIT 12, remove the lines below from the script after pasting it into notepad:

TASKKILL /IM Snagit32.exe /F /T
TASKKILL /IM SnagitEditor.exe /F /T

MsiExec.exe /x "C:\Windows\temp\Snagit\SnagIT_11.msi" TSC_DATA_STORE=0 /quiet
7. Create a new SCCM package, create the a program, and set the command line as Install.bat. Shoot it off to whatever DPs you need it on and test.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (MSI)
Deployment Method Used: Windows Installer with Custom Transform (MST)
Deployment Difficulty: Somewhat Easy
Platform(s): Windows

I had to make one adjustment to the script listed above:    RMDIR C:\windows\temp\snagit   /s /q         

The switches on the end allowed the 'non-empty' folder to be deleted.

mlhommedieu,  your script was a great help to me!

Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (MSI)
Deployment Method Used: Windows Installer with Custom Transform (MST)
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
  • Thanks for the pointer AKuhnert. I have edited the script below to add the /s /q to the end of the remove directory command. :) - mlhommedieu 9 years ago
FYI - This was my final BAT file. My company needed all old versions of SnagIt removed since we have just purchased a large multi-user license.
Deployed successfully via SCCM 2012.


msiexec.exe /I "snagit.msi" TRANSFORMS="SnagIt.mst" /qb /norestart

TASKKILL /IM Snagit32.exe /F /T
TASKKILL /IM SnagitEditor.exe /F /T

REM Remove OLD SnagIts
REM remove SnagIt 10
msiexec.exe /x {22FC7536-BE5C-4E88-8069-C24689D34EC5} TSC_DATA_STORE=0 /qb-
REM remove SnagIt 11
msiexec.exe /x {68723B04-57EC-11E1-A6A8-9E2D4824019B} TSC_DATA_STORE=0 /qb-
REM remove SnagIt 12
msiexec.exe /x {A232C484-23B5-4A2E-A317-A70EA1D1230D} TSC_DATA_STORE=0  /quiet
REM remove SnagIt 12.2
msiexec.exe /x {FDEC2BE1-5F84-4249-943B-4364251A56BE} TSC_DATA_STORE=0  /quiet
REM remove SnagIt 12.2.2
msiexec.exe /x {979028FC-2DBF-4BB4-A9EC-4627A9D63D50} TSC_DATA_STORE=0  /quiet
Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (MSI)
Deployment Method Used: Windows Installer with Custom Transform (MST)
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
More tips at AppDetails: Techsmith Snagit
Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (MSI)
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified

Download the MSI File:  SnagIt File within the Version range of the purchased License

Download and Run: TechSmith Deployment Tool

Build Package with the SnagIt Deployment Tool and insert the  SnagIt License Key and create the package.

Note: When I created the package, I selected for the previous version to be uninstalled and keep existing files. You don't have to do it that way, but that's how I did it.

ZIP the following files:





I uploaded the zip file through Inventory > Software > Create > New


Once that is done go to Distribution > Software > Create > New and input software information, and insert the following commands.

Full Command Line: msiexec /i Snagit.msi TRANSFORMS=Snagit.mst /qn /norestart

The company that I currently work for almost 2 years had a training with KACE few months before I started, but less than a hand full or people attended the class, and only 2 of them so what remembered how to deploy applications with KACE, nor did they care to use the feature. When I was shown how to insert .EXE file and a few commands, I decided to take it upon myself to figure it out, because no one else tried. So I just started using KACE to deploy Office 2019, Project 2019, and Visio 2019 for the first time a week ago, self-taught if I must add. Now, I have done SnagIt 2019 using KACE to deploy, which is including the license key. Since, then I was encouraged to create an ITNinja account and share with others.

Please feel to contact me if you have questions, or need any help.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: Legacy Setup with command line support
Deployment Method Used: Repackaged (to a setup.msi)
Deployment Difficulty: Very Easy
Platform(s): Windows

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