These are a series of Educational programs written by University of Aberdeen.
Although the applications are standard MSIs, when you first run them you are prompted for a serial code, and then prompted to accept the EULA.
Each of these steps creates a file in the same folder as the executable.
Here's the steps I used..
Install the MSI on a test PC, run it, enter the serial, and accept the EULA.
Browse to the folder of the exe - usually C:\Program Files\Educational Networking\[something]
Copy the files license.lic and tocagreed.yes to a server folder.
Now on your deployment script, it should be a simple case of run the MSI, and then copy these two files back.
In my case, the school purchased about 15 sub-packages, each with their own MSI.. I used a small autoit script which does them en-masse..
Each of these also needs .NET 3.5 (version 3521022), so I have the script check for it and install it if it isn't there.
Apologies in advance for the shocking code - you're more than welcome to tidy it up! :-)
Folder structure is:
[autoit script compiled exe]
Folder called LicFiles containing the 2 files listed above
Then as many sub-folders as needed containing the MSIs for each sub-program.
Folder called DotNet35
within that:
; ===================================================================================
Func RegisterApps()
; Copy the licence and EULA acceptance files to each folder
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