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Views: 5.7k  |  Created: 01/08/2012

Average Rating: 0
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Deployment Tips (1)

Most Common Setup Type
Legacy Setup with command line support
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 3 / 5 (Average) based on 1 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Windows Installer Command Line (No MST)
Command Line

use /a to perform an administrative installation and to extract the MSI file and resoruces from the "VMware-viewagent-y.y.y-xxxxxx.exe" file

Then you can use your favorite tool to create a MST file, and perfrom an network installation

or you can use the exe file it self


Type the installation command on one line.

This example installs View Agent in a virtual machine that is managed by vCenter Server. The installer

configures the PCoIP, View Composer Agent, Virtual Printing, and USB redirection custom setup options.

VMware-viewagent-y.y.y-xxxxxx.exe /s /v"/qn VDM_VC_MANAGED_AGENT=1 ADDLOCAL=Core,PCoIP,SVIAgent,ThinPrint,USB"

This example installs View Agent on an unmanaged computer and registers the desktop with the specified

View Connection Server, cs1.companydomain.com. The installer configures the SSO, Virtual Printing, and

USB redirection custom setup options.

VMware-viewagent-y.y.y-xxxxxx.exe /s /v"/qn VDM_VC_MANAGED_AGENT=0 VDM_SERVER_NAME=cs1.companydomain.com VDM_SERVER_USERNAME=admin.companydomain.com VDM_SERVER_PASSWORD=secret ADDLOCAL=Core,ThinPrint,USB"

 These options are avaible

    The path and folder in which the View Agent software is installed. For example: INSTALLDIR=""D:\abc\my folder"" The sets of two double quotes that enclose the path permit the MSI installer to ignore the space in the path. This MSI property is optional.
    Determines whether to enable Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) on the desktop. A value of 1 enables RDP. A value of 0 leaves the RDP setting disabled. This MSI property is optional.
    Determines whether vCenter Server manages the virtual machine on which View Agent is installed. A value of 1 configures the desktop as a vCenter Server-managed virtual machine. A value of 0 configures the desktop as unmanaged by vCenter Server. This MSI property is required.
    The host name or IP address of the View Connection Server computer on which the View Agent installer registers an unmanaged desktop. This property applies to unmanaged desktops only. For example: VDM_SERVER_NAME= This MSI property is required for unmanaged desktops. Do not use this MSI property for virtual-machine desktops that are managed by vCenter Server.

    The View Connection Server administrator user password. For example: VDM_SERVER_PASSWORD=secret This MSI property is required for unmanaged desktops. Do not use this MSI property for virtual-machine desktops that are managed by vCenter Server. 
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

Inventory Records (1)

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View Agent




Uninstall String

MsiExec.exe /X{5DD04237-3DCD-4735-BF8F-3BEEC0F61A6E}

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