
Ai Squared, Inc. ZoomText

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Views: 19.8k  |  Created: 01/09/2012

Average Rating: 4
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Deployment Tips (6)

Most Common Setup Type
Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 4 / 5 (Somewhat Difficult) based on 3 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Vendor Provided Command Line (switch driven)
Command Line
Below are the Default Command Line Switches which the Vendor Provided setup will display when you run "Setup.exe ?". You have to use the setup.exe available under ztseup folder.

ni -- No user interface (silent install).
nir -- No user interface (silent install) and reboot when done.
ndc -- skips zt driver configuration in the registry
noas -- Option - disable autostart
novls -- Option - disable Vista logon support
ndcm -- No dcmsetup.exe (in case of incompatibilty issue)
ns -- No self-voicing dialogs (in case of incompatibilty issue)
p: -- Path where ZoomText is to be installed. Follow 'p:' with full path (without quotes). Ignored if installing over activated product.
asn: -- Ai2 serial number. Follow 'asn:' with 14 digit serial number (no dashes in serial number)
asures: -- Qualified file name of localized setup resource dll. Follow 'asures:' with name (with or without quotes)
id -- Inspect setup dialog boxes (to help localization).
noshell -- Don't install shell objects.
ir -- uninstall the program
im -- Install as Magnifier - Ignored for product installs
imsr -- Install as Magnifier/Reader - Ignored for product installs
nointl -- Install as domestic (US English) - Ignored for product installs
uwdisable -- Disable Updates
nodpc -- Disable Download Program Components
nodualmonprompt -- Disable dualmon prompt
eroff -- Disable Internet Error Reporting
ulockdown -- Assumes uwdisable, nodpc, and eroff
sdsc -- Skip disk space check
niruninst -- No user interface (silent uninstall) and reboot when done.
niuninst -- No user interface (silent uninstall)
? -- Display command line switches and descriptions.

Additional Command Line:

I used the below command line switch where I had installation issue while doing a unattended deployment on Windows 7 (64-Bit).
sreqc - Skip Requirements Check
soc - Skip OS check
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
I am adding an addendum to my previous post. which we were installing is leaving behind a remnant that prevents the next version from installing.
Below is my updated removal script that gets rid of the additional component. Additionally, it was required to force a reboot after removal and before installation of the new version, hence the 1641 return code.
The script will need to be updated for each new version to remove the codemeter software. I highlighted the sections below.
We only allow installation and removal of this product when no user is logged in.

New script for
:: Custom UnInstall Script for ZoomText
::             January 26, 2017

"C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{F7F20305-1476-4421-B909-BB5B90D1F222}\setup.exe" -runfromtemp -l0x0009 -ir -niuninst 

::Set log file
set msi_log_file_path="%TEMP%\%~n0_Custom.log"
::Delete the current log file
if exist %msi_log_file_path% del /Q %msi_log_file_path%
echo ========================== %Date% %Time% =========================== >> %msi_log_file_path%

set counter=10

if %counter% gtr 0 (
   Echo Loops Remaining %counter% >> %msi_log_file_path%
   set /A counter = %counter% - 1
   ping -n 31 >nul
   goto :Loop2
Echo Key 1 Never Deleted! >> %msi_log_file_path%
Exit /B 1603

reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Ai Squared\ZoomText Xtra\10.1\Settings\Reader"
echo EL %errorlevel% >> %msi_log_file_path%
   goto :Loop1
echo Target key 1 deleted. >> %msi_log_file_path%
ping -n 31 >nul

set counter=10

MsiExec.exe /x {719F0615-851A-417F-9D33-2855FA2E89D0} /q

if %counter% gtr 0 (
   Echo Loops Remaining %counter% >> %msi_log_file_path%
   set /A counter = %counter% - 1
   ping -n 31 >nul
   goto :Loop4
Echo Key 2 Never Deleted! >> %msi_log_file_path%
Exit /B 1603

reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{719F0615-851A-417F-9D33-2855FA2E89D0}"
echo EL %errorlevel% >> %msi_log_file_path%
   goto :Loop3
echo Target key 2 deleted. >> %msi_log_file_path%
ping -n 31 >nul

Exit /B 1641

For version
:: Custom UnInstall Script for ZoomText
::             January 26, 2017

"C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{F7F20305-1476-4421-B909-BB5B90D1F222}\setup.exe" -runfromtemp -l0x0009 -ir -niuninst 

::Set log file
set msi_log_file_path="%TEMP%\%~n0_Custom.log"
::Delete the current log file
if exist %msi_log_file_path% del /Q %msi_log_file_path%
echo ========================== %Date% %Time% =========================== >> %msi_log_file_path%

set counter=10

if %counter% gtr 0 (
   Echo Loops Remaining %counter% >> %msi_log_file_path%
   set /A counter = %counter% - 1
   ping -n 31 >nul
   goto :Loop2
Echo Key 1 Never Deleted! >> %msi_log_file_path%
Exit /B 1603

reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{F7F20305-1476-4421-B909-BB5B90D1F222}"
echo EL %errorlevel% >> %msi_log_file_path%
   goto :Loop1
echo Target key 1 deleted. >> %msi_log_file_path%
ping -n 31 >nul

set counter=10

MsiExec.exe /x {3C40446D-C306-4D9A-8AD2-F9D07E7B781B} /q

if %counter% gtr 0 (
   Echo Loops Remaining %counter% >> %msi_log_file_path%
   set /A counter = %counter% - 1
   ping -n 31 >nul
   goto :Loop4
Echo Key 2 Never Deleted! >> %msi_log_file_path%
Exit /B 1603

reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{3C40446D-C306-4D9A-8AD2-F9D07E7B781B}"
echo EL %errorlevel% >> %msi_log_file_path%
   goto :Loop3
echo Target key 2 deleted. >> %msi_log_file_path%
ping -n 300 >nul

Exit /B 1641
Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Deployment Method Used: Vendor Provided Command Line (switch driven)
Deployment Difficulty: Somewhat Difficult
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
For ZoomText 10 I used the following...

Run Parameters: setup.exe -nir -noas -novls -asn:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Full Command Line: setup.exe -nir -noas -novls -asn:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
As of version 10.11, they have added a new switch to create the registry keys when deploying via SCCM. However, this alone does NOT bypass the need for a first launch via the administrator account because they still write the default configuration data to the program folder!!! (I have emailed them and asked them to start using c:\programdata\ for this!)

In order to get around this, you must install the software on a target machine type and run it one time. Then take the contents of the "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZoomText 10.1\Config\" folder and make it a part of the source folder in SCCM. I then copy that data to the new install via the install script. Now, this folder will likely be different for different machine configurations. We have a fairly homogenous computer lab situation and I have not had any issues. If needed I will have a different deployment type for each config and use WMI queries to choose the proper deployment type for each machine type needed.

Install Script:
:: Custom Install Script for ZoomText
::             August 11, 2016

start /b Setup.exe /sccm /sreqc /ni /uwdisable /nodpc /eroff /norec /ro /nocfp /nols /noas /server:(Our license server)

::Set log file
set msi_log_file_path="%TEMP%\%~n0_Custom.log"
::Delete the current log file
if exist %msi_log_file_path% del /Q %msi_log_file_path%
echo ========================== %Date% %Time% =========================== >> %msi_log_file_path%

set counter=10

if %counter% gtr 0 (
   Echo Loops Remaining %counter% >> %msi_log_file_path%
   set /A counter = %counter% - 1
   ping -n 31 >nul
   goto :Loop2
Echo Key Not Created In Time! >> %msi_log_file_path%
Exit /B 1603

reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Ai Squared\ZoomText Xtra\10.1\Settings\Reader" /v "Software Version" | Find ""
echo EL of registry version query: %errorlevel% >> %msi_log_file_path%
   echo Target key found!. >> %msi_log_file_path%
   ping -n 90 >nul
   xcopy .\config\*.* "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZoomText 10.1\Config\" /h/e/c/k/y/f
   echo Error Level of Xcopy Command: %errorlevel% >> %msi_log_file_path%
   Exit /B %errorlevel%
goto :Loop1

Uninstall Script:
:: Custom UnInstall Script for ZoomText
::             August 11, 2016

"C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{F7F20305-1476-4421-B909-BB5B90D1F222}\setup.exe" -runfromtemp -l0x0009 -ir -niuninst 

::Set log file
set msi_log_file_path="%TEMP%\%~n0_Custom.log"
::Delete the current log file
if exist %msi_log_file_path% del /Q %msi_log_file_path%
echo ========================== %Date% %Time% =========================== >> %msi_log_file_path%

set counter=10

if %counter% gtr 0 (
   Echo Loops Remaining %counter% >> %msi_log_file_path%
   set /A counter = %counter% - 1
   ping -n 31 >nul
   goto :Loop2
Echo Key Never Deleted! >> %msi_log_file_path%
Exit /B 1603

reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Ai Squared\ZoomText Xtra\10.1\Settings\Reader"
echo EL %errorlevel% >> %msi_log_file_path%
   goto :Loop1
echo Target key deleted. >> %msi_log_file_path%
ping -n 31 >nul
Exit /B 0
Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Deployment Method Used: Vendor Provided Command Line (switch driven)
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

Imaging and redeploying zoomtext can be _extremely_ difficult. It likes to grab info about the display adapter on the master image machine and doesn't easily let it go. Vendor suggested running

'configureztdriver.bat install'

from the install directory post-flight on imaged machines. This didn't work for me, though you should try it. Solution for me is to run 

C:\Program Files\ZoomText 10\inst\MDDInstaller64.exe

on imaged machines. It doesn't give any feedback, but it does fix zt.


A good way to gather info:

Did this:
Enable the error log:

  1. Prior to launching ZoomText, navigate to the Zoomtext program directory
  2. Open the file "TestSupp.ini"
  3. Change Verbosity = 0 to Verbosity = 31
  4. Run ZoomText
  5. View the "Zxplog.txt" file from the ZoomText program directory


Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
The programs installer did not play well with SCCM because it would kick back a successful completion as soon as it was executed. So I added an install and uninstall script to take care of it. It waits for the registry key with the specific version to be created before returning a success to configuration manager. This allows successful detection of the app installation. The /sreqc switch is necessary for a silent install by the system process.

start /b Setup.exe /sreqc /ni /uwdisable /nodpc /eroff /norec /ro /nocfp /nols /noas /server:(Our License Server)
set counter=10
if %counter% gtr 0 (
   Echo Loops Remaining %counter%
   set /A counter = %counter% - 1
   ping -n 31 >nul
   goto :Loop2
Echo Key Not Found!
Exit /B 1603
reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Ai Squared\ZoomText Xtra\10.0\Settings\Reader" /v "Software Version" | Find ""
echo EL %errorlevel%
   echo Target key found.
   ping -n 90 >nul
   Exit /B 0
goto :Loop1

"C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{F7BFAC00-DCB3-46E3-AF56-48A779E54899}\setup.exe" -runfromtemp -l0x0009 -ir -niuninst 

set counter=10
if %counter% gtr 0 (
   Echo Loops Remaining %counter%
   set /A counter = %counter% - 1
   ping -n 31 >nul
   goto :Loop2
Echo Key Never Deleted!
Exit /B 1603
reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Ai Squared\ZoomText Xtra\10.0\Settings\Reader"
echo EL %errorlevel%
   goto :Loop1
echo Target key deleted.
ping -n 31 >nul
Exit /B 0
Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Deployment Method Used: Vendor Provided Command Line (switch driven)
Deployment Difficulty: Average
Platform(s): Windows

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