
Captaris RightFax Administrative Utilities

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Views: 18.4k  |  Created: 07/12/2007

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RightFax Administrative Utilities has 4 inventory records, 3 Questions, 0 Blogs and 1 links. Please help add to this by sharing more!

Deployment Tips (19)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 3 / 5 (Average) based on 1 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Vendor Provided Command Line (switch driven)
Command Line
I was having trouble getting some of the components to NOT install. I tried various combinations of command line and setup.ini parms. It took some back & forth with their tech support telling me to RTFM when I'd already told them that I had RTFM and I still had questions, but they finally told me that the TRUE/FALSE parms only work with totally silent options (/qn) and not the reduced interface (/qb, /qr) options. So, I ended with with the simple command line \\FS1\folder\setup.exe and my setup.ini contained the line:


Note that this is all one line. This installs only the components we want. Cool. One part down.

Of course, many of our RightFax users already have version 8.6 which needs to be removed first. There is an issue with the 8.5 client where you cannot suppress the reboot. This is a "known issue" which of course is code for "we have no plans to fix it". They referred me to this article:
Title: How to do a Silent Uninstall
URL: http://www.captaris.com/Scripts/captaris.cfg/php.exe/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=966&p_created=1057820400

Same thing with the 8.6 client. I tried creating a transform for the uninstall/repair msi in c:\windows\installer but that didn't work. No matter what combo of REBOOT=ReallySuppress or /norestart options I tried they'd override me every time! I eventually settled on allowing the removal to prompt for a reboot then using AutoIt to answer No to the prompt. That seems to work. Here are the AutoIt commands:

WinWait("RFClient","You must restart")

These work for me. It just waits in memory for the reboot prompt generated by this command to remove 8.6:
MSIEXEC.EXE /X {B4846B86-556B-4F2A-9F42-C0DDE06EDF2D} /qb! /l*v "c:\logs\RF85U.log"
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
This comes from Captaris's KB. The setup type (unfortunatly IMHO) is an installshield wrapper setup.exe around the MSI. Using transforms is not supported, but to give Captaris credit, they have a fairly rich command line syntax (below).

The CmdLine in setup.ini takes most of the standard MSI arguments, as well as a few properties unique to the RightFax installation software.

Unfortunately, extracting the MSI and using a transform is NOT supported, so if there are things you are used to doing with Transforms you'll have to script around that somehow.

Below is the proper syntax used to edit the CmdLine line:

/qb Quiet install with basic user interface
/qn Quiet install with no user interface
/qr Quiet install with reduced user interface and a modal dialog box at the end of installation
/qf Quiet install with full user interface and a modal dialog box at the end of installation
/l*v "MSI log path" Creates a verbose MSI log in the specified location
NOTE: Using the /qr switch will automatically install MSDE on the client machine. If you do not wish to install MSDE please use one of the other /q switches.

The component keywords for the RightFax 9.0 client installation are:

*SERIALNUM Serial Number of the RightFax server software
*RFSERVERNAME Specifies the name of the fax server to which the client will connect
RFLANGUAGE Specifies the language of the client to install. If you are installing the English client you do not need to use this keyword as English is the default. The other possible values are: French, French-Canadian, German, Italian, Portuguese, & Spanish. The values for RFLANGUAGE are case sensitive.
INSTALL_FAXCTRL Installs the RightFax Printer Driver
INSTALL_EFM Installs Enterprise Fax Manager
INSTALL_OUTLOOK Installs the Outlook Advanced Forms
INSTALL_MAPIPRINTER Installs the MAPI Print Driver
INSTALL_VIMPRINTER Installs the VIM Print Driver
INSTALL_INTERACTION Installs the RightFax integration for Interaction clients
INSTALL_AUTOREPLYCLIENT Installs the AutoReply client feature
INSTALL_PAPERPORT Installs the Paperport client feature
ALLUSERS Installs the specified applications for all users when set to 1 & only for the current user when set to 0
INSTALLDIR Installs RightFax client applications to specified path
FORCE - Always prompts for a reboot at the end of the installation. The setup program will prompt the user with an option to reboot at the end. If there is no user interface, the system automatically reboots at the end of the installation.
SUPRESS - Suppresses prompts for a reboot at the end of the installation. The setup program will prompt the user with an option to reboot during the installation if it detects that a reboot is required to complete the installation. If there is no user interface, the system automatically reboots if one is required to complete the installation. Reboots at the end of the installation. For example, reboots that are caused by an attempt to install a file in use are suppressed.
REALLYSUPRESS - Suppresses all reboots and reboot prompts if the setup program detects that a reboot is required to complete the installation. Suppresses all reboots and reboot prompts at the end of the installation. Both the reboot prompt and the reboot itself are suppressed. For example, reboots at the end of the installation that are caused by an attempt to install a file in use are suppressed.
NOTE: If the Windows Installer on the client needs to be updated then a reboot cannot be suppressed

SPROTOCOL Specifies which protocol the client will use
Named Pipes: "NP"

IMPORTANT NOTE: .NET Framework 1.1 will be installed on the workstation if it is not already present. If you are performing a quiet or silent installation of the RightFax client then you will need to add an additional parameter in the Setup.ini file so that .NET Framework 1.1 is installed without user intervention. To do this you need to add ?dotnetfx.exe /q:a /c:"install /q"? to the DotNetFxCmd= line. The line should look like this:
DotNetFxCmd=dotnetfx.exe /q:a /c:"install /q"

Here is an example CmdLine that would silently install the English version of FaxUtil, RightFax Printer Driver, Outlook Extensions, and Interaction Integration to C:\RightFax90Client for all users, configure the protocol to Named Pipes, really suppress a reboot, & create a verbose MSI log to a file named "RightFax Client Install.log" located in the user's TEMP location. The SHOWINTERACTION portion is required when performing a quiet or silent installation and you wish to install the Interaction Integration:


*Denotes required parameter
**Note: The CmdLine= statement is a single line -- there should be no carriage returns in the line.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
RightFax 9.4 Service Release 5

The switches for command line execution of the Service Release are available below per Captaris documentation and differ slightly from the 9.4 client switches.


The install program runs with no user interaction.

Reinstalls the service release.

Setup displays a progress bar and will not require user input except in the case of an error.

To install the service release, RightFax services and processes must be shut down and then restarted after the installation is finished.

If you are running a passive or quiet installation, you must use this command to shut down and restart the RightFax services during the installation. If this command is not used, the installation will fail.

Use this option if you do not want the install program to restart RightFax services and processes when the installation is finished.

Specifies the destination folder where the files and folders for the service release will be extracted.

The log file “ExtractingFiles_<date_time>.log” will be created in the named
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
RightFax 9.4 Service Release 5

The switches for command line execution of the Service Release are available below per Captaris documentation and differ slightly from the 9.4 client switches.


The install program runs with no user interaction.

Reinstalls the service release.

Setup displays a progress bar and will not require user input except in the case of an error.

To install the service release, RightFax services and processes must be shut down and then restarted after the installation is finished.

If you are running a passive or quiet installation, you must use this command to shut down and restart the RightFax services during the installation. If this command is not used, the installation will fail.

Use this option if you do not want the install program to restart RightFax services and processes when the installation is finished.

Specifies the destination folder where the files and folders for the service release will be extracted.

The log file “ExtractingFiles_<date_time>.log” will be created in the named
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
I was able to avoid the restart when uninstalling the 8.5 client with the following lines in a batch file:

IF EXIST "c:\program files\RightFax" (
net stop spooler
taskkill /im faxctrl.exe
"c:\program files\RightFax" msiexec /x "\\ncs2mail\software\RightFax\Client\8.50\RFClient.msi" /qn /norestart
del "c:\program files\RightFax" /S Q
net start spooler

Once I stopped the print spooler and exited right fax before un-installing it, the reboot didn't seem to happen anymore.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
We had to upgrade Rightfax from 9.0 to 9.0 with SP2 on all of our workstations. We found that when trying to use .EXE with /S /v/qb!. We would get an error 1609 while applying security settings on an IIS user account.

Doing our initial testing we had no problems of installing the Service Pack by manually running the EXE. Running this manually, the installer checks to see exactly what is installed on the workstation before updating the Rightfax Product Suite.

Long story short, we found that using the silent command switches for the EXE file would default the installation to try an update all components that rightfax has available. Being that we only use the Client piece on our workstations this was a problem.

In the end we were able to extract the MSP file from the EXE file and used a command line of:

"RPS SP2 Patch North American.msp" /qb! CLIENTSONLY=TRUE
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
I had a few problems with 9.4 & SR4

I used a vbscript and when it ran it locally, no problems. When deploying with sccm it wouldn’t launch the install quietly as it was hanging on an unknown dialog box for the pre-reqs.

Error was in C:\WINDOWS\Temp\RightFax Setup<date><time>
Extracted from log: Unexpected problem
System.InvalidOperationException: Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application.

Solution: SCCM | Package | Program | Program Properties| Environment Tab | Allow user to interact with this program = true. Although this allowed the install to take I still had issues with the pre-reqs so in the end I removed the previous version, manually launched the pre-reqs, 9.4 install, SR4 install and then changed Regkeys as we had changes to the servers which the install didnt update as it was HKCU

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\RightFax Client\FUW32\StartingServerName
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\RightFax Client\OutlookExtension\ServerName

Uninstall: you also need to use a local copy of the setup.exe to uninstall. the regkey entires for the uninstall strings are incorrect. the install copies a local setup.exe to C:\Program Files\RightFax\Setup\
Put the uninstall switch on this file Eg: "C:\Program Files\RightFax\Setup\setup.exe" /remove /unattended=true /quiet=true it removes both the 9.4 & Sr4

Hoping that this saves someone else a great deal of time.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
This is the information from the vendor on how to install version 9.4 silently

Installing the Client Applications from a Command Line

The RightFax client applications can be installed from an MS-DOS prompt in a Command Prompt window. You can:
?? Install RightFax client applications for the first time.

?? Modify an existing installation of a client application to add or remove (uninstall) one or more client applications.

?? Remove (uninstall) all of the client applications

Following are examples of common operations that can be performed. Note that these examples wrap to fit on this page. The command line must not include a carriage return.

Installing a RightFax client application for the first time:
- Setup.exe /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true add="FaxUtil,EFM" /rightFaxServer="myserver"

Modifying an existing installation:
- Setup.exe /modify /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true /add="faxctrl"

Removing one RightFax client application from a server:
- Setup.exe /modify /unattended=true /allowshutdown=true /drop="faxctrl"

Uninstalling all RightFax client applications from a server:
- Setup.exe /remove /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true

Before You Begin

Copy the Setup.exe to a network file location from which you will run the command line. You have the following options:

?? Copy the RightFax product suite Setup.exe from the DVD to the network. (Only the client applications can be installed from the command line.)

?? Copy the Setup.exe for client applications from the DVD to the network. The client Setup.exe is located on the RightFax product suite DVD in the \Client folder. The file size is 105 MB.

If you use the Setup.exe for client applications, you can further reduce the file size of the Setup.exe with the following options:

?? If the destination client computer operating systems are all 32-bit, you can reduce the Setup.exe to 60 MB. Delete the file \Client\Prereqs\NetFx64.exe.

?? If .NET 2.0 is already installed on the destination client computers, you can reduce the Setup.exe to 32 MB. Delete the file \Client\Prereqs\dotnetfx2.0.

The command line install is not intended for installing client applications on the RightFax server.

Specifying the Level of User Interaction

Setup.exe runs with a fully interactive wizard, but it also can be run with minimal or no user interaction.

To check for success or failure, see Exit Codes later in this section.

Command /unattended=true
Description Setup.exe displays a progress bar and will not require user input except in the case of an error. In the case of an error, Setup.exe will display a message explaining the error. The user must click OK to continue. /quiet=true Setup.exe runs with no user interaction.

Command /quiet=true
Description Setup.exe runs with no user interaction.

Specifying the Location of the Setup.exe File

You must run the command in the directory where the RightFax Setup.exe is copied, or you must specify the full path to Setup.exe.

Command /manifest="file_path"
Description The location can be any valid path, such as "D:\" or \\server\share.

Specifying the Installation Mode

To modify an existing installation or to uninstall all of the client applications, you must specify the installation mode.

Command /modify
Description Modifies an existing installation to add or remove RightFax client applications. This command must be used with the Add or Drop command. This command cannot be used to remove all features.

Command /remove
Description Removes all RightFax client applications from the system. This command cannot be used to add or remove specific features.

Specifying the RightFax Client Applications to Install

With the Add command, you can specify one or more RightFax client applications to add. This option applies when you are installing features for the first time or when you decide to add RightFax client applications at a later time (modifying an existing installation).

Command /add="name1, name2, …"
Description Feature names must be separated by commas.

Specifying the RightFax Client Applications to Remove

With the Drop command, you can remove one or more client applications at a time

Do not use this option to remove all of the client applications. To remove (uninstall) all client applications, use the /remove command.

Command /drop="name1, name2"
Description Feature names must be separated by commas.

Specifying the RightFax Server

Some commands require the name of a RightFax server to which the client application will connect when it is first installed.

Command /rightFaxServer="My Server"
Description "MyServer" is the name of the RightFax server.

Shutting Down RightFax Processes

Before running Setup.exe, RightFax applications should be shut down and then restarted after Setup.exe is finished.

You can stop and start the applications manually, or Setup.exe can perform these operations for you.

Command /allowShutdown= true
Description None.

Client Application Names

The client applications must be specified with these names.

Command FaxUtil
Description RightFax FaxUtil

Command EFM
Description RightFax Enterprise Fax Manager

Command FaxCtrl
Description RightFax Print Driver

Command Outlook
Description RightFax Outlook Advanced Fax Extensions

Command MAPI
Description MAPI Print Driver

Command VIM
Description VIM Print Driver

Command AutoReply
Description RightFax AutoReply

Exit Codes

Setup.exe returns an exit code. The exit codes can be utilized in a batch file to display the exit code when
Setup.exe is finished or to branch to another operation. Use the errorlevel command in the batch file to utilize the exit code.

Exit Code 0
Description Success.

Exit Code 1
Description No errors, but a reboot is required to finish the operation.

Exit Code -1
Description An error occurred
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
I had a few problems with 9.4 & SR4

I used a vbscript and when it ran it locally, no problems. When deploying with sccm it wouldn’t launch the install quietly as it was hanging on an unknown dialog box for the pre-reqs.

Error was in C:\WINDOWS\Temp\RightFax Setup<date><time>
Extracted from log: Unexpected problem
System.InvalidOperationException: Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application.

Solution: SCCM | Package | Program | Program Properties| Environment Tab | Allow user to interact with this program = true. Although this allowed the install to take I still had issues with the pre-reqs so in the end I removed the previous version, manually launched the pre-reqs, 9.4 install, SR4 install and then changed Regkeys as we had changes to the servers which the install didnt update as it was HKCU

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\RightFax Client\FUW32\StartingServerName
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\RightFax Client\OutlookExtension\ServerName

Uninstall: you also need to use a local copy of the setup.exe to uninstall. the regkey entires for the uninstall strings are incorrect. the install copies a local setup.exe to C:\Program Files\RightFax\Setup\
Put the uninstall switch on this file Eg: "C:\Program Files\RightFax\Setup\setup.exe" /remove /unattended=true /quiet=true it removes both the 9.4 & Sr4

Hoping that this saves someone else a great deal of time.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

I did many tests with the .msi with .mst and it only works when you use it in silent mode. If you use the .msi/.mst in a non-silent setup, the .mst is ignored. I used the property in the previous post (INSTALL_EFM=TRUE, etc.). I also add modify the Feature table since I need to make an admin .mst, I modify the Attribute value of EFM to 8 (was 32)

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
This is the information from the vendor on how to install version 9.4 silently

Installing the Client Applications from a Command Line

The RightFax client applications can be installed from an MS-DOS prompt in a Command Prompt window. You can:
?? Install RightFax client applications for the first time.

?? Modify an existing installation of a client application to add or remove (uninstall) one or more client applications.

?? Remove (uninstall) all of the client applications

Following are examples of common operations that can be performed. Note that these examples wrap to fit on this page. The command line must not include a carriage return.

Installing a RightFax client application for the first time:
- Setup.exe /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true add="FaxUtil,EFM" /rightFaxServer="myserver"

Modifying an existing installation:
- Setup.exe /modify /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true /add="faxctrl"

Removing one RightFax client application from a server:
- Setup.exe /modify /unattended=true /allowshutdown=true /drop="faxctrl"

Uninstalling all RightFax client applications from a server:
- Setup.exe /remove /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true

Before You Begin

Copy the Setup.exe to a network file location from which you will run the command line. You have the following options:

?? Copy the RightFax product suite Setup.exe from the DVD to the network. (Only the client applications can be installed from the command line.)

?? Copy the Setup.exe for client applications from the DVD to the network. The client Setup.exe is located on the RightFax product suite DVD in the \Client folder. The file size is 105 MB.

If you use the Setup.exe for client applications, you can further reduce the file size of the Setup.exe with the following options:

?? If the destination client computer operating systems are all 32-bit, you can reduce the Setup.exe to 60 MB. Delete the file \Client\Prereqs\NetFx64.exe.

?? If .NET 2.0 is already installed on the destination client computers, you can reduce the Setup.exe to 32 MB. Delete the file \Client\Prereqs\dotnetfx2.0.

The command line install is not intended for installing client applications on the RightFax server.

Specifying the Level of User Interaction

Setup.exe runs with a fully interactive wizard, but it also can be run with minimal or no user interaction.

To check for success or failure, see Exit Codes later in this section.

Command /unattended=true
Description Setup.exe displays a progress bar and will not require user input except in the case of an error. In the case of an error, Setup.exe will display a message explaining the error. The user must click OK to continue. /quiet=true Setup.exe runs with no user interaction.

Command /quiet=true
Description Setup.exe runs with no user interaction.

Specifying the Location of the Setup.exe File

You must run the command in the directory where the RightFax Setup.exe is copied, or you must specify the full path to Setup.exe.

Command /manifest="file_path"
Description The location can be any valid path, such as "D:\" or \\server\share.

Specifying the Installation Mode

To modify an existing installation or to uninstall all of the client applications, you must specify the installation mode.

Command /modify
Description Modifies an existing installation to add or remove RightFax client applications. This command must be used with the Add or Drop command. This command cannot be used to remove all features.

Command /remove
Description Removes all RightFax client applications from the system. This command cannot be used to add or remove specific features.

Specifying the RightFax Client Applications to Install

With the Add command, you can specify one or more RightFax client applications to add. This option applies when you are installing features for the first time or when you decide to add RightFax client applications at a later time (modifying an existing installation).

Command /add="name1, name2, …"
Description Feature names must be separated by commas.

Specifying the RightFax Client Applications to Remove

With the Drop command, you can remove one or more client applications at a time

Do not use this option to remove all of the client applications. To remove (uninstall) all client applications, use the /remove command.

Command /drop="name1, name2"
Description Feature names must be separated by commas.

Specifying the RightFax Server

Some commands require the name of a RightFax server to which the client application will connect when it is first installed.

Command /rightFaxServer="My Server"
Description "MyServer" is the name of the RightFax server.

Shutting Down RightFax Processes

Before running Setup.exe, RightFax applications should be shut down and then restarted after Setup.exe is finished.

You can stop and start the applications manually, or Setup.exe can perform these operations for you.

Command /allowShutdown= true
Description None.

Client Application Names

The client applications must be specified with these names.

Command FaxUtil
Description RightFax FaxUtil

Command EFM
Description RightFax Enterprise Fax Manager

Command FaxCtrl
Description RightFax Print Driver

Command Outlook
Description RightFax Outlook Advanced Fax Extensions

Command MAPI
Description MAPI Print Driver

Command VIM
Description VIM Print Driver

Command AutoReply
Description RightFax AutoReply

Exit Codes

Setup.exe returns an exit code. The exit codes can be utilized in a batch file to display the exit code when
Setup.exe is finished or to branch to another operation. Use the errorlevel command in the batch file to utilize the exit code.

Exit Code 0
Description Success.

Exit Code 1
Description No errors, but a reboot is required to finish the operation.

Exit Code -1
Description An error occurred
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Hi guys,

In appreciation of all the help I got from this site, I kindly present to you my turn to give something back as well..

Have you ever tried installing Rightfax Client 9.4 during and OSD built task sequence? Technically, it cannot be done (I even read somewhere that Captaris aprently state son their website that the rightfax 9.4 client CANNOT be deployed using a task sequence), because the client installation requires the "allow users to interact with this program" tick box checked, and as we all know, the moment you do that, you cannot use that specific program through a task sequence.

The other BIG problem is the printer driver. When installing rightfax, the client will automatically use the printer driver of the default printer, and if no default printer exists, it will install the rightfax document writer printer driver. The problem with windows 7 here is that by default things like the Office Document Image Writer and the Windows fax and Scan printer drivers are installed, and as such, when installing rightfax, it will automatically use on of those printers' drivers, instead of the trusty old HP Laserjet 5 driver we are so used to by now.

All of these present some unique challenges to overcome during especially an OSD build, and with our environment consisting of almost 3000 machines all using rightfax, this was something that we simply HAD to address..

So, this is how I went about successfully deploying the client during OSD build:

Firstly, upon testing, we saw that the "HP LaserJet 4100 Series PCL6" printer driver that comes with windows 7 works 100% when used as the driver for the rightfax printer. So we knew that in order for the install to work, we would need to get that printer onto the machine, and also make it the default printer, so that, when the rightfax client installs, it will use that printer as the base driver for itself. The problem of course with printers are that they are profile based, so we needed a way of creating this default printer for ANY user that logs on, even the system account that installs the rightfax program. So, this was the starting point for me, and this is how I did it.:

First, you have to install a windows 7 machine using the normal install media (DVD). Upon completing the installation, configure your favorite settings, like display settings, show all files and folders, etc, and of course, don't forget to install a local HP Lasjerjet 4100 Series PCL6 printer, and specify it as a print to file printer (instead of normal LPT1, etc). A silent install of the printer can also be done by running the following command from an elevated command prompt:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "TempPrinter" /f %windir%\inf\prnhp002.inf /r "file:" /m "HP LaserJet 4100 Series PCL6"

Then, you have to configure the DEFAULT profile to create this printer for any user that logs on to that system. For the purpose of this exercise, I called this printer TempPrinter, and then followed the following mircosoft article to ensure that this printer is created for any user that logs onto the system:


Now that we have our base system set up, we need to capture it as an image on SCCM in order to use it for OSD. There are numerous articles on the web explaining how to do that, and how to make it available as a boot image through the PXE boot process. Use the following link as a starting point. It was written for SMS 2003, but it's almost exactly the same process anyway :)


So, now we have a boot image that we can use to deploy our machine with a default HP LaserJet 4100 Series PCL6 printer installed that will print to file, regardless of who logs on.

Next we need to package the Rightfax client and have it installed without any user interaction.

For this part of the process, I actually created 2 packages. The first package installs the C++ Runtime components, which is a pre-requisite for rightfax to install. Of course, this package has to be set to run with /quiet to prevent any dialog boxes from popping up.

Then, the second Rightfax package is the installation itself. here I created the program portion of the package to actually run all the installation commands for a silent install: setup.exe /quiet=true /allowShutdown=false /add="FaxUtil,FaxCtrl," /rightFaxServer="myservername" , and then on the "environment" tab I specified the "allow users to interact with this program" option.

That takes care of the installation packages. Next, we need to actually deploy it as part of the OSD task sequence.

So, back in my task sequence, I first installed office 2003 (we also use the outlook integration components in our environment), and then I added an "install software" step, pointing to the pre-reqs package I created so that we can get the C++ Runtime components installed.

Then, to install the rightfax client, I added a "run command line" task in the task sequence, and in the command portion, I ran the following command: setup.exe /quiet=true /allowShutdown=false /add="FaxUtil,FaxCtrl," /rightFaxServer="myservername". In the "start in" portion, I specified the network path to where my package is stored, and also ticked the "package" check box and selected the package I initially created for this task.

Upon deploying a new machine then, the HP Laserjet printer is automatically installed, after which we install office, and then the C++ runtime components, and then finally, the rightfax 9.4 client, which will use the HP Laserjet driver as its base driver.

To finish it all off, I edited the loging script for our organization to just run one final command (can be run in normal user mode) to delete this temporary printer that we created during this setup. This was the command used:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dl /n "TempPrinter"

You can of course use some logic to determine if the printer exists before deleting it or not, but that will depend on your login script language, etc.

There we go. That's the basic outline on how to get the new Rigthfax 9.4 client installed on a new machine, with the proper driver, during an OSD task sequence build.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
To install RightFax 9.3 Client silently using the RightFax Client Applications.msi create a transform that does the following.

-Disable features you don’t want like EFM, MAPIPrinter, VIMPrinter and AutoReply (I believe you should leave Interaction and Paperport set to be installed)

-Disable the EnableSilentFeatures custom action in the install sequence’s execute sequence
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
The MSI RightFax Product Suite.msi contains the following line in the InstallExecuteSequence table:

Action Condition
EnableSilentFeatures Not Installed and UILevel < 5

This effectively stops the UI from being silent. Removing this line altogether makes everything work as expected. (This was done using ORCA)

This was done because INSTALLLEVEL=1 as shown below didn't work:

CmdLine=/qb /l*v "%TEMP%\RightFax Product Suite.log" INSTALLLEVEL=1 RFSERVERNAME=RFSERVERNAME
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
SR5 Install

Problem: Service Release 5 wouldnt install because it was being blocked. Kept getting 'The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software?'

Solution: locate your .exe | Right click and select 'Properties' | General Tab, Security section at the bottom | it shows 'This file cam from another compuer and might be blocked to help protect this computer' | select 'Unblock' button

If you already have the .exe on the distro you will need delete and create new ones. An update wont push the changes as the file its self hasnt changed, just the security settings. Everything noted above for Client 9.4 SR 4 still applies.

Additional Note: Setting RegKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RightFax\Hotfix to 0 gets past the “A newer version of RightFax is installed”
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
This is for 9.3 client installation. Use the setup.exe with setup.ini something like this

CmdLine=INSTALLDIR="C:\program files\rightfax" rightFaxServer="mfax2" /l*v "%temp%\RightFax Product Suite.log"
Product=RightFax Client Applications
PackageName=RightFax Client Applications.msi
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

The following modifications will create a fully functional MSI/MST installation with functional Install/repair and uninstall.

Create a transform file to "RightFax Product Suite - Client.msi" and make the following changes.

Property table:
Add the following properties

LaunchCondition table:
Delete the row with the condition

Use the ADDLOCAL=<Features> in the commandline to select the appropriate features.

A list of the features:
FaxUtil - RightFax FaxUtil
EFM - RightFax Enterprise Fax Manager
FaxCtrl - RightFax Print Driver
Outlook - RightFax Outlook Advanced Fax Extensions
MAPI - MAPI Print Driver
VIM - VIM Print Driver
AutoReply - RightFax AutoReply
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
To install RightFax 9.3 Client silently using the RightFax Client Applications.msi create a transform that does the following.

-Disable features you don’t want like EFM, MAPIPrinter, VIMPrinter and AutoReply (I believe you should leave Interaction and Paperport set to be installed)

-Disable the EnableSilentFeatures custom action in the install sequence’s execute sequence
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
SR5 Install

Problem: Service Release 5 wouldnt install because it was being blocked. Kept getting 'The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software?'

Solution: locate your .exe | Right click and select 'Properties' | General Tab, Security section at the bottom | it shows 'This file cam from another compuer and might be blocked to help protect this computer' | select 'Unblock' button

If you already have the .exe on the distro you will need delete and create new ones. An update wont push the changes as the file its self hasnt changed, just the security settings. Everything noted above for Client 9.4 SR 4 still applies.

Additional Note: Setting RegKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RightFax\Hotfix to 0 gets past the “A newer version of RightFax is installed”
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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RightFax Administrative Utilities






Uninstall String

MsiExec.exe /X{C690C925-2E12-421F-B21A-92A8EC584593}

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