
Additional helper tools that come along in RayPack 2.0 - New standalone tools

IIS scanner

A standalone IIS scanner is provided in the Tools/IIS scanner folder within each RayPack 2.0 installation. This utility can be used to scan and extract the full configuration of a running IIS instance and import the results directly to RayPack project (RPP/MSI). The interactive GUI can be used to view and pick-up the right website to be exported.

The tool can be used on any system without the need for a RayPack license. The license is only required to import the results back to the MSI/RPP project on the core device for packaging. The scanner has a command line interface that allows users to integrate it into any existing automated procedure. 

App-V Launcher

When App-V packages (both 4.6/5.0) are generated, a config option in the settings profile can be used to copy RayPack’s App-V launcher to the output folder. This small program can be used to quickly start the selected package. It automatically launches the only App-V package found in the very same folder. If there are more packages (or more entry points), a selector interface is displayed, asking the user to pick the desired object. The launcher can be used anywhere, and has a command line interface that allows users to integrate it into existing automated procedures as well.  

Topic for the next post: Taking a look at performance and handling improvements


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