
RayPack 2.0 – Integration of state-of-the-art technologies

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Quality section with RayQC

An outstanding highlight is the integration of high level quality assurance provided by RayQC directly into the RayPack 2.0 GUI. The new quality menu can be used to perform various quality checks against the current project and provides a simple yet effective checklist, which can be generated with one click, to be used during pre-quality checks and as a baseline for quality engineering tasks.
RayPack 2.0 enables the packager to use a wide range of rulesets, to cover many cases from virtualization to collision management. A major advantage is, that the user does not have to switch to other software programs to use these quality features as long as both products are installed on the same machine.
QC results are shown directly within the RayPack validation results, allowing to fi x the issues before the package is actually tested against them in later Quality Assurance phases of the overall packaging process. This saves time, money and protects your nerves from uncomely rejects.

PowerShell CA’s

It seems like there has been some joint development activity between the RaySuite tools RayPack and RayQC, since both massively extend their PowerShell utilization and support. For the 2.0 of RayPack, Raynet has extended their Custom Action wizard with the ability to manage PowerShell CA’s. 

Command Line Snapshotting

The Command Line Tool already known from prior releases has been extended to perform system snapshots. Combined with the ability to use individually configured settings profiles, this feature is very handy to automate packaging related procedures.

With 2.0 Raynet presents another RayPack release that is rich of new and extended features. Beyond the highlights named within the prior posts, there is a lot more to explore. You should really get a trial version via RayPack.net and check it out on your own. RayPack might very well become your best companion for packaging ever.

Join out live webinar: 13th August 2015 at 5pm CET

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