With a long history of application deployment information here, it is not surprising that application virtualization has become an increasingly popular subject at ITNinja. While some are certainly using solutions like ThinApp, the clear conversation winner here at ITNinja is App-V.
Check out the tags for Microsoft App-V and App-V Sequencing. While separate tags, they are often used together for obvious reasons. If you want to stay on top of any tags like these don't forget you can also subscribe to them directly as RSS feeds using the "RSS" link on the right of each tag page's content tab. The number of records returned by the feed will be the same as the pagination setting for the tab in question (25 by default but may be turned up to 100). Here is the feed link for the latest 25 bits of content tagged with App-V.
If you are in the market for an application virtualization solution, or are stuck with a solution already and need some ammunition to push for a change, I recommend Ruben Spruijt's Application Virtualizaiton Smackdown whitepaper (an update to this doc has also been published).
Are you a K1000 user? Check out it's App-V integration scripts here.