
Avoiding or Focusing on KACE Materials at ITNinja

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While the ITNinja community is product agnostic and all product and technology discussions are invited and appropriate, the fact that Dell KACE sponsors ITNinja results in a good number of KACE product related content. For users of these products, this is a great situation: they get a great place to discuss systems management issues that are both product and non-product specific. For those that use a competitive products like SCCM, LANDeskAltiris, Acronis, etc. the benefit is the same; discussions can (and as you can see by each link here, do) take place here at ITNinja, but if you want to avoid any topics, product discussions, etc. you may do so by excluding any such tags. 

So if you want your search to exclude anything tagged with KACE Product Support just click on “Search by tag options”, select “exclude” and enter/choose the KACE Product Support tag. As you’d expect, this will eliminate any results tagged with KACE Product Support.  For example, if I search for Adobe Acrobat today, I get 5,619 results. However, if I exclude the “KACE Product Support tag, the results shrink down to 1,836 results. Take care though, just because the content was tagged with a specific product does not mean the problem/solution discussed is not relevant to you. You can exclude multiple tags at once too, but naturally the value of this capability depends heavily on the relevancy of the tags assigned to content. Fortunately, we invite users over the rank of Blue Belt to help moderate the site where they may then edit the tags on content submitted by others.

You can also limit the types of content returned and/or specify how recent you wish results to be focused. If you want to spend the time to create a very specific search, including or excluding the tags you do or do not want to see, you may find particular value in the ability to generate an RSS feed from search results. Just refine your search and click the “RSS” link on the right of the results to add the feed to your favorite newsreader or email client.

By way of example here is a feed for unanswered questions mentioning of App-V but excluding several KACE Product tags that were asked within the last month.


Note: Your activity feed and the contents of your weekly or daily email digest depends upon what it is you follow. If you are a KACE customer, you’d want to follow all the KACE related tags that interest you and your email digests will feature popular material with those tags. If you are interested in Windows Installer, AdminStudio, App-V, etc. follow those! Following tags can greatly help your ability to focus on the things you care about most.


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