
Basic Overview of Exchange Management Console in Exchange 2010

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Exchange Management Console helps administrator to manage all the components & resources of Exchange Server by providing graphical user interface. All the servers installed in Exchange Server can be viewed & managed in single Exchange management console. 


User Interface Elements of Exchange Management Console:

Exchange Management Console is divided into 4 elements:

Console tree: The console tree is placed on the left side of the console. It has containers like server configuration, recipient configuration, organization configuration etc. that are organized in hierarchy. These containers consists of objects like mailbox, client access, hub transport, unified messaging server roles that you have installed with respect to each container.

Result Pane: The result pane is placed on middle of the console. The object of container that you select on the console tree, its related data will be shown in the result pane. For example, if you select mailbox from recipient configuration then all mailboxes of users will be shown in the result pane.

Work Pane: The work Pane is placed below the result pane. This pane is display only when you select objects under Server configuration. It shows the result of what you have selected from Result pane. For example, if you select mailbox from server configuration then all mailbox servers will be shown in result pane. After selecting a particular mailbox server from the result pane, all databases related to that server will be shown in the work pane.

Action Pane: The action Pane is placed right side of the console. It consists of action list like modify, remove, add, new etc. that can be used to perform actions on the objects that are open in the console tree, in the result pane & in the work pane. You can hide this pane also. 

Different Server Roles in EMC:

Mailbox: Mailboxes database & Public folder database are installed here. The purpose of Mailbox server role is to host mailboxes & public folders. All users’ mailbox are shown in mailbox container of recipient’s configuration.

Client Access: Client Access server role provides all available protocols to access mailboxes. It allows you to view & manage settings of Microsoft Outlook Web access (OWA), Exchange ActiveSync, and the Offline Address book (OAB) in server configuration.

Hub Transport: Routing of messages is done by Hub transport Server role. It process all messages that are sent inside the Exchange server, apply routing rules, handles all mail flows, & delivers the message to recipient’s mailbox.

Unified Messaging: Unified messaging server role configures voice messaging, fax, and e-mail messaging into one Exchange mailbox so that users can access their messages from a telephone, from Outlook Voice Access, from a mobile phone, and from a computer.


  • Heres the Source Content: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb123762%28v=exchg.141%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

    You can find this as well as much more information on Exchange at the link above. - WhitzEnd 9 years ago
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