
Check File Security Requirements

File Monitor (Filemon.exe) is a tool available as a free download from Sysinternals at http://www.sysinternals.com/Utilities/Filemon.htm. This tool monitors all file requests and records them for your review. Normal operations of Windows Vista results in a great many entries, so it is necessary to adjust the optional filters in order to better identify any attempts to access or update files to which a restricted user may not have access. Below are recommended steps and filter settings to help identify the requirements of the application being tested.

1. As a privileged user (an administrative account), launch the File Monitor utility

2. Select Filter/Highlight (CTRL-L) from under the Options menu and make the following updates:

Include: *



3. Right click on the application shortcut to be tested and choose "Run AsÂ…"

4. Specify the credentials of a restricted user account, representative of a user with non-administrative privileges on the network.

5. Make use of the application, running through any provided test procedures and make note of any files or folders which report "Access Denied" (highlighted in red). It is these files and folders that may require security changes in order for the application to function properly in your environment.


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