
Cleaning Up

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When you are thinking about your Windows migration project, you may have identified some dependencies, along with a bunch of nice-to-haves that you would like to have in place as well. This may include a migration to System Center 2012, or a cleanup and upgrade of your AD environment etc. Along with cleaning up your application portfolio through a rationalization effort, these projects will provide you some great benefits now, and in the long term. By rolling out effective tools and using them to their full potential, you will reduce the time you spend on basic day-to-day tasks. Similarly, by reducing the amount of applications that you need to manage, you reduce your workload and costs as well.

I often speak with customers about the need to evaluate their portfolios and decide which applications to migrate and which to discard. A great analogy for this is that a migration should be approached in the same way that you would handle moving house; it’s a great opportunity to get rid of the excess junk that you have been storing. Tools that are not used, or that do not have the desired functionality should be reassessed and possible upgraded or discarded as well.

Original blog posted on http://futurestateit.com/2013/04/19/cleaning-up/ 

Interested in rationalization http://futurestateit.com/portfolio-rationalization/ 

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