
Dell Kace K1000 - Silent Deploy of Barco ClickShare-Launcher via Script

Prerequesite :
1. You need to install the Clickshare on a managed K1000 Computer
2. Force inventory on this computer
3. On K1000 Appliance go to Inventory --> Software
4. Search "ClickShare Launcher on the list
5. Click on it and asociate the .msi installtion file

Script :
1. On K1000 appliance go to Scripting 
2. Action --> new script
3. Windows run as local system


  1. Verify that “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Kace\MSIWizard\7886!MSIConfigHash” is equal to “1165206830”.

On Success


  1. Install “ClickShare Launcher” with arguments “$(KBOX_SYS_DIR)\msiexec.exe /qn /norestart ACCEPT_EULA=YES LAUNCH_APP=YES /i ClickShare_Launcher_01_09_00_0002_Setup_Win.msi”.
  2. Set “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Kace\MSIWizard\7886!MSIConfigHash” to “1165206830”.

On Remediation Success

  1. Log “ClickShare Launcher installed with $(KBOX_SYS_DIR)\msiexec.exe /qn /norestart ACCEPT_EULA=YES LAUNCH_APP=YES /i ClickShare_Launcher_01_09_00_0002_Setup_Win.msi” to “output”.

On Remediation Failure

  1. Log “ClickShare Launcher FAILED to install with $(KBOX_SYS_DIR)\msiexec.exe /qn /norestart ACCEPT_EULA=YES LAUNCH_APP=YES /i ClickShare_Launcher_01_09_00_0002_Setup_Win.msi” to “output”.


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