
Fixing MAC Finder's jumpyness - and a testimonial

We have spent countless hours trying to figure out what is wrong with Apple's Finder in Mountain Lion and have read countless Apple Discussion boards about all sorts of deficiencies with Apple Finder and network storage:


Our particular issue, as previously posted here http://www.itninja.com/question/mac-mountain-lion-using-colors-in-finder-how-does-that-actually-work was that our precious, beautiful, and unselfrepairable (as per ifixit.com) MACs were reverting our users back to the root of a share after they were several directories deep; see https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2r9Eb5L73m-aE43YTVrU2tQUUE/edit?usp=sharing) for a video

We looked under rocks, below trees, and even said prayers to magic mice and magic trackpads in the hopes that a solution would come to us from space ship Cupertino. We hoped a quick trip in a time machine would conjure a solution. We saw thunderbolts and lightening ports but no suggestions would help us.

Then after a week, all hope was lost, we started to curse our computers. Wished there was a way to return to simpler times of Zip drives and less sharing of data; but alas that was not an option for us.

Then, a knight in shining armor arose from Canada; the glorious home of our network storage unit provider Nexsan. You might ask, how and why would they help us with our MAC issue? They sell enterprise class network storage that kicks ass and takes names, not support services for Macintosh computers. They helped us with multiple phone calls, emails, remote sessions, until they (Nexsan) found a fix. Thank goodness they exist!

Let this serve as a customer testimonial to the high quality of support professionals provided by a company that sells enterprise class network storage; and helps customers out when they are in a pickle with products they don't even sell.

The solution, simple, create a file called nsmb.conf and place it within /etc with the following entries:


Originally posted here: https://discussions.apple.com/message/15577284#15577284

Space ship Cupertino 0, Nexsan 1!

Thank you Nexsan support for simply being amazing!


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