
Free ITNinja T-Shirts!

You are awesome. You know it. Now, make sure everyone else knows by wearing a genuine ITNinja t-shirt. 

To get one, just score 351 points (blue belt)provide your mailing address and shirt size in your user profile, and we'll send one your way! 

We've got about 250 t-shirts left to distribute and will continue sending them out until our supplies are exhausted. 

We will not share your personal information, ITNinja is not a marketing site and acceptance of this prize does not change that.

And now a shameless request for you to share your appreciation loudly...

Did you get yours? Please post a picture of where you placed your sticker on our Facebook page. Don't have the time? How about a quick thank you via Twitter? We have been fortunate to be able to secure prizes and ship them around the world, but in order to continue doing so it's important that our rewards make some "social noise" to help justify the necessary budget.


Note: other rewards may be available



  • If your dress code at work prevents you from wearing a t-shirt and you may have to resort to wearing it Superman style under your more appropriate clothing ;-) - bkelly 11 years ago
    • he he he - Seb777 11 years ago
  • oh-ah-my-gawd.

    I guess this answers my earlier question of "Why would someone try to 'farm' itninja point.

    Didn't know this existed, but now my life is not complete :( - Wildwolfay 11 years ago
  • oh boy, i finally do have enough points for t-shirt :) but i assume i'm to late for this batch. - anonymous_89761 11 years ago
    • FYI, you had a sticker and shirt go out with our 10/18 distribution - bkelly 11 years ago
      • thank you - anonymous_89761 11 years ago
      • I don't want to sound impatient, but i havent recieved the items yet... how long can a international shipment take ? - anonymous_89761 11 years ago
      • For personal inquiries please use the site contact form to do so privately - bkelly 11 years ago
  • Woohoo, free T-Shirts :D I'm in - EbrithilBowser 11 years ago
  • I still don't have a T-Shirt. Will it be coming when you send me my Black Belt? - petelanglois 11 years ago
    • I'm also still waiting for my shirt - EbrithilBowser 11 years ago
      • EbrithilBowser, you were also not eligible on 10/18 and will get your shirt with our next distribution in about a month - bkelly 11 years ago
      • Okay, then I'll wait for it :D - EbrithilBowser 11 years ago
      • Still didn't get anything, when will the next distribution be? - EbrithilBowser 11 years ago
    • petelanglois, our last shipment was organized on 10/18 and at that time you were not yet eligible for a t-shirt. As you will be eligible for both when we organize another set of deliveries, you will get both together. - bkelly 11 years ago
  • I should get mine then. - Sidhugadu 11 years ago
  • Dammit, WANT! But I have a lot of points to go before I qualify. Will probably be gone before that time. =( - designworks 11 years ago
  • Can a Moderator get one as well - hjansari 11 years ago
    • Yes as long as you have the required points by the time they ship. - petelanglois 11 years ago
  • Kewl!, Just updated my address and think I fulfill the criteria. - hjansari 11 years ago
  • I'm going to have to get me one of these...once I get enough points, that is - Carsn3 11 years ago
  • Nov has passed Bob and still no t-shirt :(( - mattski 11 years ago
    • The final shipment is being put together now: http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/final-shipment-of-itninja-t-shirts - bkelly 10 years ago
  • I reached the blue belt in October, will I ever get my T-Shirt? - EbrithilBowser 10 years ago
    • Yes, please see http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/final-shipment-of-itninja-t-shirts - bkelly 10 years ago
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