
Get/Set ComputerName

Average Rating: 5 based on 7 votes--------------------

Endorsed by Nick The Ninja

Get/Set ComputerName
by Corey A. Serrins, Kent Feid and Patrick Warme

These tasks have been deprecated as the tools are now built into the appliance when using the naming rule tasks. Will leave this page here for legacy purposes.

These tasks will work with both sysprepped images and scripted installs of XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
Major features include:
-using the K1 database
-using the K2 database
-using variable replacement
-using a data file
-dialog prompting
-and more...

There are 2 scripts included with this download, getcomputername and setcomputername, each has a 32 and 64 bit versions.

For complete instructions and commandline switches, please read the included README.txt file

Back to K2000 Deployment Workbench

Version History
v. [12/14/19]
-Added switch to allow for user to override the 15 character limit, add the commandline switch '/no_netbios'
-Added switch to allow setcomputername to be run as a Windows postinstallation task, add the commandline switch '/in_windows"

v. [07/22/19]
-Added file version to log

v. [07/18/19]
-Chassis type 15 needs a formfactor assignment (ESMCS-392)

v. [03/09/18]
- Properly identify Windows 10 (ESMCS-348)
- Changed how xml was modified from a search/replace to pure xml, which means that if doesn't exist, it will now be created (ESMCS-335)
- Moved log to \ProgramData\Quest\Scripting Ninjas
- Changed the way get/set read mac address and resolved a number of issues due to this (ESMCS-338)
- When model is VMWare, and $Serial model replacement, make serial number use characters from the right (ESMCS-339)
- Include looking at hostname for devices that were imported (ESMCS-340)

v. [09/01/15]
-fixed an issue where [ ] ; characters weren't being stripped from the final computer name
-added Win10 to variable replacement

v. [05/01/15]
-fixed issue where USB image deployments without network connection were failing

v. [02/26/15]
-resolved an issue where the name in the unattend was not getting updated.

v. [10/08/14]
-added /log to generate a log file for both get and set scripts.
-added variable replacement functionality to setcomputername
-added data file naming functionality to setcomputername
-added ability to use K1 database
-added ability to use K2 database

v. [08/16/13]
-added /look: switch to getcomputername and setcomputername. If using this switch, it must be used in both applications.
-added /notrandom and /timeout: switch to setcomputername in case the name read was '*' (random) and that is undesired

v. [10/02/12]
-modified an error to be more clear that the name file wasn't found or error with it.

v. [08/03/12]
-added 15 character limit to the dialog box so user can't enter more than that.
-changed the default write drive letter to x:

v. [08/01/12]
-added /drive to both get & set

v. [05/20/12]
-changed dialog box so that timer was set, takes whatever name is is in box at that time.

v. [05/04/12]
-fixed /timeout issue in getcomputername where it wasn't working at all.
-fixed issue where when timeout happened, computername was blank in getcomputername.

-added in /debug

v. [03/06/12]
-made maximum length of computer name 15 characters in get/set scripts, no exceptions.

v. [12/22/11]
-removed guictrlread from nodialog, not sure why it was there, as we aren't reading gui
-was just looking for /dialog, changed it to read first 7 characters to match command line, like other options
-fixed bug where /dialog would not work unless the computer name was ""

v. 1.1.1 [11/21/11]
    for SI, there is no name, so by default it will be "*" which will assign a random name

v. .65  [03/09/11]
switch was added to getcomputername.exe to allow for a timeout period on the dialog box to ask for a computer name.
Synatax for /timeout switch is /timeout:30 to timeout after 30 seconds. At this point, the unattend file would be left alone, assuming that the computername is set to "*" computer would end up with a random name.
/timeout at this time is meant to work with /dialog, if /timeout is used without /dialog, nothing will happen and there will be no affect on the outcome, but there will be no timeout.
v. .60 [02/28/11]
switch was added to getcomputername.exe to allow for naming the computer from commandline with /name:"name". This is more for one-offs.
switch was added to getcomputername.exe to allow the user to have a pop-up window to enter the computername. This is convenient for machines that come out of the box from the manufacturer, without any previous naming scheme for an organization.
v. .50 [02/23/11]
all known issues were resolved
all situations were tested with imaging and scripted install on Windows XP/Windows 7 and both architectures.


  • Can this be modified to work with USB images? - JLadd 10 years ago
    • It saves the temporary file to the x: drive, so it should already work on a usb deployment.
      Corey - cserrins 10 years ago
  • I downloaded the most recent files, re-uploaded to the k2000 and tried again- still getting this error message when imaging via USB:

    Error: Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript range exceeded. - JLadd 10 years ago
    • It appears that the NIC must be active- I just plugged it into the network and the script is now working. Is there any work around for this? We sometimes need to image computers in remote locations where there may not be an active network connection. - JLadd 10 years ago
  • What happened to the .vbs versions? I liked these as I could amend them, one important amendment I made was to first check for an existing file on the X:\ drive and NOT overwrite it like the exe would, this prevented losing the name if the deployment process failed or needed a restart.

    My VBS for "Applying the computername" midlevel task to copy the file from X to the local C is no longer working since the upgrade to 3.6 (one of many issues I've had with the upgrade to 3.6). - AJStevens 10 years ago
  • The .vbs versions are the built in versions on the K2. It works ONLY with sysprepped images. By default Get/Set will save to the x: drive, but the beauty of the app is that you can change that setting with the /drive: setting, directions are in the read me.
    Make sure that the Apply computer name has 'cscript' before the name of the .vbs file. - cserrins 10 years ago
  • Found the issue, it was with the "IsScripted() Function, it was deciding it was not a Scripted install because it found C:\Windows\panther\Unattend.xml
    I'm guessing this wasn't present in 3.5 at this time, but it is now in 3.6 ? - AJStevens 10 years ago
  • The function /name:"NameOfCopmuter" does not work. A file is been created on X: but the computer name is taken from the registry.
    I have this problem in WinPe3 when coming up with a plan to get the computer name and OU in which to join and delete the AD object if it already exists. I finagled around the problem by creating the MAC-address-file on X:\ myself (not pretty, but working) but would prefer to use the functionality provided by GetComputername.

    SetComputername works like a charm btw. Thank you for that!

    Christian - ChristianT 10 years ago
    • I see that issue. We are working on a new version that should be release shortly and the /name switch will be moved to setcomputername instead to accommodate other features we have implemented.
      Lead T3 Enterprise Solutions Consultant, K2000 - cserrins 10 years ago
  • Ran this with the following options: SetComputerName_x64.exe /k2mysql /log

    Result: Error on initialization - tech@chch.org 10 years ago
    • This means there was an issue initializing mysql. Did you enable Offboard database access? If so, did you reboot the K2000 afterwards? That is typically the problem when that error appears. - cserrins 10 years ago
      • I am having this issue also. I already had Offboard access checked. I can access the database with MySQL workbench just fine.
        When I have this as a midlevel task it fails. When I run it on a system that is working I get the Error on initialization. I verified all of the parameters are correct (k1 address, user and password, org name). Should I be able to run this from a booted up computer? - shanksr 10 years ago
  • Hello, I can't seem to get the hostname from K2000 DB flag to work. If I run the program with both the /k2mysql and the /debug flags I get a message stating that the K2000 IP is empty.

    How do I supply this to the script? The documentation is very terse on this point.

    Erik - erikff 10 years ago
    • I found the cause of this problem, this error happens becuase the env. variable %KBOX_IP% is not set when this program runs. If you run it through a batch script where you set the variable it works perfectly.

      Thanks! - erikff 10 years ago
  • What table on the K2000 does the set computername reference? I keep getting HOST_NAME was empty and I have manually imported the information. - autiger810 10 years ago
    • It uses HOST_NAME. Have you confirmed that the host name is set for the MAC address? - cserrins 10 years ago
  • Yes I have go through Network Inventory and upload a csv file with the information. It shows in the network inventory. I've connected to the K2100 mysql database using workbench and under the IM_Node (assuming that is the table as it is the only one i found that has Host_Name in a column) I can see the entry - autiger810 10 years ago
  • In our environment we are using a scripted install to deploy machines. As a pre task we run the getcomputername.vbs. This vbs is changed to check for company standard. As midlevel task we use the new downloaded setcomputername.exe. 90% of the deploys are okay now, but sometimes the setcomputername cannot find the macaddress-file on X:. We have the WiFi card enabled during deploy, so I guess it sometimes uses a different MAC-Address. To fix this, I'd like to write the computername to a different file, but then I need the SETcomputername.vbs too. Is it possible to deliver the VBS again, instead of the EXE? - rkoene 10 years ago
  • For our environment we name the computers before we image them. Our K2000 is updated to 3.7 and when I set the Pre-Installation task for the GetComputerName.exe/dialog it give the error the system can not find the file specified. If I leave the /dialog off it works, but this does not help since we change the name before deployment. - acox 10 years ago
    • Did you ever find a fix for this? I cannot get the /dialog to work. It keeps saying it cannot find the file specified. I can see in the log the name that I put into the dialog box, but set computername cannot find it. - jamie1069 9 years ago
  • I'm not able to download the files linked at the top of this page. I get a 404 not found error. Has the link changed? - rbreneman 10 years ago
  • I am trying to get the software here for use on our K2000 but when I am taken to the login page I am unsure how to proceed??? I have asked for a password reset which works and allows me to log into the Dell site but I am unable then to locate the download. If I use the same username and password on the screen which pops up when you click the link above I am getting the "Incorrect User Account"... any ideas as I really need a copy of the scripts. Cheers. - simonsi 10 years ago
  • This doesn't work if it grabs the wireless mac and you deploy an image from the wired side. - tech@chch.org 9 years ago
  • This script (not even a script anymore but an exe) barely works at best. If you can even download it as the page was removed since the new 3.7 version came out, I had to have support send me the files. And there is no setcomputername64 app as referenced in the help file. Sometimes it will pull from the k2 database...but not for any device manually imported. The /dialog to set a comp name manually doesnt work...it says it cant find a file on x (i even tried using it with getcomputer name the dialog and a timeout as you are supposed to be able to choose whether or not to keep the name it gets--nope). Name from file mapped to mac addresses -- done as instructions say to do, hangs for hours and fails -- presumably because it cant find the file...sometimes works as is using the get and sets which pulls from the reg...actually this works the best if you dont mind an auto generated name... - ahuston@roguecc.edu 9 years ago
    • The link was updated this morning, I just tried it and was brought successfully to the download page. The download worked fine and the 64bit setcomputername is in the .zip file. It is possible that you were sent an incomplete .zip. I would also check the version of the .exe to make sure it is As for the other issues, we haven't had any reports of these issues so I'll have to start investigating them.
      The files are AutoIT scripts that compile to be .exe files.

      Corey - cserrins 9 years ago
      • I will be checking into that, thank you. - ahuston@roguecc.edu 9 years ago
      • Looks like I had the correct, newest version, but an incomplete zip...hoping I'll have better luch with the 64bit version...I'll update and retract my statements if I do...could be awhile, already finished imaging for a bit...and had a lot to manually rename... - ahuston@roguecc.edu 9 years ago
  • Hello, I am having an issue with the setcomputername as a post installation task. Everything seems to run perfectly fine up until this task. I get an error saying, "Unable to open x:\844BF51A95EB, it may not exist. Was GetComputerName.exe used as a preinstall task?" Any help is much appreciated. - Williams 9 years ago
    • Getcomputername is a preinstall task, that needs to be run prior to partitioning or formatting. If GetComputerName is used, then setcomptuername will look for that file by default unless other commandline parameters are used. - cserrins 9 years ago
      • I'm not using getcomputername as I want to set the name manually, yet I am getting the same error as Williams. What am I missing? - aircranebrad 9 years ago
  • Hello, I am having issues with this in Windows 10. This is just a guess, but I think it has to do with when setup allows certain tasks to run. I've found moving some of the unattend tasks from specify to oobeSystem solves most of those problems (specifically unattend.xml files generated by the KACE sysprep utility do not work unless this is done), but you will have to see if that works since I don't have the raw script/source to work with. Please let me know if you manage to get it working with Windows 10, it is rather convenient and I would like to start using it again. - robcav 9 years ago
    • SetComputerName only looks for the <ComputerName> tag and replaces the contents with the name specified, via getcomputername or setcomputername. This should not affect any other process. - cserrins 9 years ago
  • Greetings! So we are having major issues with getting the installation to pull the computer name from our K1000. We go into our K1000 and create a manual entry, input the MAC and the Name and when we attempt the install, everything works aside from it never pulls the name and installs a random one instead. When we add the debugging flag it prompts saying Name from K1000 database was empty so * was used for the computer name. In testing we have 2 VM's 1 that pulls the name, 1 that doesnt, we changed the MACs of the VM that does work to something else, and changed the MAC of the one that Doesn't to the one that did work and it wont pull a name. Any idea's as to whats going on? - jmedart 9 years ago
    • I have not seen this issue. I will have to run a series of tests. - cserrins 9 years ago
  • Is there a way to script this using perhaps batch error checking? So if the host is found in the K1, then rename, but if not check the K2 and rename, but if not then prompt. Is this possible? - tech@chch.org 9 years ago
    • I'll add this to the enhancement requests, just deciding how to do this via commandline. - cserrins 9 years ago
  • Where would I find the results of /debug and /log?

    It appears my deployment is stuck on the setcomputername... part but I don't know why.

    Thanks. - jfrasier 9 years ago
    • /debug will cause dialog boxes to appear, telling you what it is doing. Get computername /log will store the log on x:\ComputerName.log. Setcomptuername will continue to write to that log file if it has the /log switch. At the end of setcomputername it copies the log to the deployed workstation \ProgramData\Dell\KACE\Logs\ComputerName.log - cserrins 9 years ago
  • I'm trying to get SetComputerName_x64 working (we have an x64 KBE). Using the /k1sql flag it correctly pulls the right name from the K1000 db. However, once the machine has finished imaging it is using a generated name as opposed to the one it successfully pulled from K1000.

    Any ideas? Does something need to be in my unattend?

    For reference the supplied Get/Set computername tasks from KBox work fine. My hope is that, given that all of our assets are already in K1000 and correctly named, I'd like to just use the SetComputerName so it doesn't matter if the machine's been renamed by some nefarious person. - pntaylor 9 years ago
    • You must have the <ComputerName>xxx</ComputerName> tags in your unattendfile (where xxx is any name).
      -Corey - cserrins 9 years ago
      • Figured it'd be something like that, did I miss that in the Readme file? Only ask as the default ones work just fine with the unattend file I have which, as far as I can tell, do not have that in there.

        Anyway, thank you for the response.

        Edit: Made appropriate changes to unattend, worked a treat. Thanks again! - pntaylor 9 years ago
  • Hi there! I seem to be having issues using Get/SetComputerName when deploying Windows 10.

    I use GetComputerName /dialog to enter a name of my choice, when SetComputerName runs later on, it seems to process ok, but the hostname does not get changed.

    I ran SetComputerName /debug, and noticed that is parses OS version as W81, wondered if that might be an issue?

    I'm using Windows 10 Enterprise Build 1511. - iainpeat 8 years ago
    • Are you using the latest version? The newest version recognizes Windows 10. Also, do you have <ComputerName>*</ComputerName> in the unattend? That must be there for it to work.
      -Corey - cserrins 8 years ago
      • Are you using the latest version? The newest version recognizes Windows 10.

        - yes

        Also, do you have <ComputerName>*</ComputerName> in the unattend? That must be there for it to work.

        - no! :)

        Thanks for the tip! - iainpeat 8 years ago
      • This still isn't working for me using the latest version. It's still including "w81" in the names. I also have the <ComputerName>*</ComputerName> set in the unattend.

        Also, we're using the SetComputerName_x64.exe if that matters at all. - lucke 7 years ago
  • We are using SetComputerName_x64.exe with a text file populated with MAC addresses of known systems. The process works fine until a system is imaged that isn't in the list, and the task just hangs indefinitely. Is there something missing that causes the task to hang (besides the PCs MAC) and Is there a way to give the system a random name when it isn't listed? Thanks - JBenincasa 8 years ago
  • Good morning,

    I am having a problem, where the computer name is not being set correctly for Windows 10 scripted deployments. It sets a generic name instead of the DELL service tag, which is what we use in our organization for naming our computers.

    It gets and sets the computer name correctly during Windows 7 scripted installations.

    The same GetComputerName.exe and SetComputerName.exe are used for both scripted installs.

    Any assistance is appreciated thanks much. We are in the process of rolling out mass deployments - cplacide 8 years ago
  • it´s not my preferred way. wsname works better. so i have the problem, if there is a misspelled or missing MAC address in combination with the /rdf parameter, the script hangs.

    but it looks, that wsname doesn´t work with windows 10. - aragorn.2003 7 years ago
  • Hello, after upgrading my k2000 appliance to the version 4.1.1148 get/set computername do not work. Have you the same problem ?
    Thanks for your reply - gjoubert 7 years ago
    • Can you give more details or a screenshot? The only thing I can think of in 4.1sp1 that would make it not work has to do with any capital letter in the parameters field that were required, as there is a defect in which everything gets lowercased, which will be resolved in 5.0
      -Corey - cserrins 7 years ago
  • Hello i use getusername in manual mode with dialog window, i enter the computer name. After setcomputername get the name of the computer but it no not applicate on computer. - gjoubert 7 years ago
    • Can you run it with /debug and /log and pass along the information it is telling you? - cserrins 7 years ago
  • Hello, i have reboot the aplliance and it's ok. thanks for your help. - gjoubert 7 years ago
  • Hey guys. I was wondering if someone knows the working download link or am I supposed to contact Quest Support for this?
    Thanks you so far and cheers - ybnA 7 years ago
  • as above, where can i get this tool as having issues naming pc. w10 1709 thanks - Dee.Wood 7 years ago
  • never mind found it - https://support.quest.com/download-install-detail/6082017# - Dee.Wood 7 years ago
    • It changes depending on version, but link at the top of the page should bring you right there. - cserrins 7 years ago
  • Is there a way to run the set computername as a Post installation task instead of a Mid Level task? - rickm 6 years ago
    • Not at this time, but it is on our feature list. Why would you want to do it as a PO task? - cserrins 6 years ago
  • I have an issue where by when we sent the the computer name to be WSH-$serial is set it too wsh-QH2756A. For some reason the first part goes into lower case!! please help. - chris.poston 6 years ago
    • I'll dig in to see if I can find why it is doing that. Apologies for the inconvenience. - cserrins 6 years ago
  • Hi Corey, I'm currently testing the two tasks. As far as I can see from the log, the existing computer name was successfully collected and stored in the file on x drive. The setcomputername task was able to find the correct computer name stored in the file. However, the computer still keeps getting a random name like WIN-******. I couldn't see any error in the log. Would you be able to help me out? - kzhangmit 6 years ago
  • 2019-02-12 12:58:18 : ============================================
    2019-02-12 12:58:18 : Start of Get ComputerName log entry for 2019-02-12
    2019-02-12 12:58:18 : ============================================
    2019-02-12 12:58:18 :
    2019-02-12 12:58:18 : Drive letter with registry is c:
    2019-02-12 12:58:18 : Dialog box option is set to: False
    2019-02-12 12:58:20 : The computer name in the registry is: NAMETEST
    2019-02-12 12:58:20 : MAC Address of system is: 080027BEEE17
    2019-02-12 12:58:20 : Full MAC Address is: 08:00:27:BE:EE:17
    2019-02-12 12:58:21 : GetComputerName wrote the file x:\080027BEEE17
    2019-02-12 12:58:21 : Computer Name written to file: NAMETEST
    2019-02-12 12:58:21 :
    2019-02-12 12:58:21 : ============================================
    2019-02-12 12:58:21 : End of Get ComputerName log entry
    2019-02-12 12:58:21 : ============================================
    2019-02-12 13:11:07 : ==================================================
    2019-02-12 13:11:07 : Start of Set ComputerName log entry for 2019-02-12
    2019-02-12 13:11:07 : ==================================================
    2019-02-12 13:11:07 :
    2019-02-12 13:11:07 : Command line parameters: /log
    2019-02-12 13:11:07 :
    2019-02-12 13:11:08 : Sysprepped = True
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Getting OS information from drive letter: c:
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Product Name: Windows 10 Education
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Edition ID: Education
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : InstallationType: Client
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Build Number: 17763
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Kernel Build: 6.3
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Major Version Number: 10
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Minor Version Number: 0
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : MAC Address of system is: 080027BEEE17
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Full MAC Address is: 08:00:27:BE:EE:17
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : OS name is W10
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Computer Serial Number #: 0
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Computer Manufacturer: innotek
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Computer Model is VirtualBox
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Chassis type: VM
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : ChassisAbr type: VM
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Asset tag is
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Computer Name found on x:\ Drive and the name in the file is: NAMETEST
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Found unattend in panther of system image
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Found unattend in sysprep directory of system image
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : The file storing the computername was deleted from drive x:
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 :
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : ==================================================
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : End of Set ComputerName log entry
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : ==================================================
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 :
    2019-02-12 13:11:13 : Log file was moved to workstation - kzhangmit 6 years ago
  • This is the log file. I couldn't really see any error from it. But the computer is still getting random name instead of the one stored in the file on x drive. - kzhangmit 6 years ago
    • Before rebooting, can you post the computername node from the unattend file in \windows\panther? - cserrins 6 years ago
      • Hi Corey, thanks for your reply. I just checked the unattend file, and the computername node is *
        What value is the computername node supposed to have? - kzhangmit 6 years ago
      • Well it should be NAMETEST according to your logs. Does the word NAMETEST appear anywhere in your unattend? or do you have more than one <ComputerName> node? - cserrins 6 years ago
  • Hello, the Downloadbutton is not working. I only land on https://support.quest.com - Morlex 5 years ago
    • Thank you, it is fixed now, that happens when we update a new release. Now that we customer verification with ITNinja I believe I'm going to move the downloads to there. - cserrins 5 years ago
  • Is there a way to increase the size of the name from 15 characters to 63? We don't care about NetBIOS names and need some more space. - DLCurtis 5 years ago
    • I will look into implementing this and let you know. - cserrins 5 years ago
      • Thanks for any/all your help with this. - DLCurtis 5 years ago
  • Hello,

    It seems that the last version ( has not been published yet to the Quest website. It's still version
    Do you know why it's the case ? - marc_c 5 years ago
    • Sorry, holidays got things messed up, the new version is now on the support portal. - cserrins 5 years ago
  • @cserrins
    When do you plan to post the new setup. The added features in v2.0.0.4 are just what I need.

    Thanks - DLCurtis 5 years ago
    • Sorry, holidays got things messed up, the new version is now on the support portal. - cserrins 5 years ago
      • You are just fine and totally understand about holiday craziness.

        Thank you so very much for getting this updated. It is just a great tool that we use all the time. - DLCurtis 5 years ago
  • Our mid-level task of setcomputername_x64 gives two script errors and stops the image process until you press OK. It still sets the computer name correctly. The issue is that it stops the image until someone clicks OK. I have downloaded the latest versions and this is imaging a Windows 10 64 version 2004. The messages are:
    First Error:
    COM Error with DOM!
    err.discription is:
    err.windescription: Variable must be of type 'Object'.
    err.number is: 000000A9
    err.lastdllerror is: 0
    err.source is: -1
    err.helpfile is:
    errhelpcontext is:

    Second Error:
    Autolt Error
    Line 5864 (File "Y:\applications\143\setcomputername_x64.exe"):
    Error: Variable must be of type 'Object". - smuesse 4 years ago
    • Can you run setcomputername with the /log switch? The readme file tells you where to retrieve the log so that we can see where it is failing. In addition you can run it with /debug (at the same time as /log if you want) and it will visually tell you what it is doing. We'd want to know what happened before/after those errors. - cserrins 4 years ago
  • I ran it using the /debug and found the issue was in the unattend file. I created a new unattend using a computer with the new 2004 windows release. The computers are now naming like they were before. - smuesse 4 years ago
    • May I ask what was wrong? I'm not familiar with anything that specifically needs 2004 to create a new unattend. - cserrins 4 years ago
  • Is there a way to pipe in the serial number as a suggestion for getcomputername with /dialog as the switch? Basically our workflow usually is building as needed, but when we do mass image, having the serial number as the default would be beneficial. - hurmoth 3 years ago
  • Are the getcomputername and setcomputername still available? when i click on the link it just take takes me to the https://support.quest.com/ site, but no downloads. i tried searching for the files on the quest site, but i can't find them. - josed558 2 years ago
    • Hmmm, I thought I updated this page. Those tools are now built into the appliance and used when you select the naming rule. Just update to the latest version of the SDA! - cserrins 2 years ago
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