
How to connect Microsoft Excel & Microsoft Query to K1000 database

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1. Download & install Connector/ODBC for Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Unix platforms - http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/

2. Add a New User Data Source: Start> Administrative Tools> Data Sources (ODBC)> Add...> Create New Data Source> MySQL ODC 5.1 Driver

3. MySQL Connector/ODBC Data Source Configuration: specify K1000 IP Address, User: R1, Password, Database: ORG1 and Test connection.

4. Using Microsoft Excel to retrive K1000 data: Go to Microsoft Excel> Data > From Other Sources> From Microsoft Query> Choose Data Source> Connecting to data source> Query Wizard - choose Columns.

You can opt to click cancel and a pop-up window will alert you "Do you want to continue editing this query in Microsoft Query?", click "Yes" & start to "Add Tables".

Select and drag a Field Name For Example 'Name' to be the First Column.

5. Continue to add more Fields and other Tables.

6. Analyze the SQL Statement: by clicking the [SQL] Button. 

7. Complete the Query by Importing Data back to Excel: File> Return Data to Microsoft Excel.

8. Or copy & paste SQL Statements to K1000> Add New SQL Report. 


  • Does anyone have these same instructions for Windows 10 with Office 2016? I can get all the way to Choose Data Source but then I just get the default Office selections. I don't get the ODBC connection I created. From there none of the options look the same as the instructions.

    Thanks for the help! - AndrewQ 5 years ago
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