Here is something I came up with. Its a simple app that'll pull the uninstall strings from a remote or local computer. It does require .net 2.0 and is still under development. I'm putting it up here in the hope that it helps someone else out.
The usage is pretty simple. There's a start button that'll get the uninstall strings. Right next to that there is a filter button. Type the name of the software you're looking for there.
You can also select Edit -> Computer -> Remote. That'll open a box to type in the remote computer. Type the remote computer name and click go Remote.
The remote functionality requires the target machine to be running remote registry. Hint hint you can enable this with the K1 by running this as a script on the target machine. net start remoteregistry
Let me know what you guys think.
Here's the download link.
Online Kscript, pick Windows as an OS. Under Policy or Job Rules, set your On Success to run a batch file. Paste "net start remoteregistry" in. Configure everything else the way you want it and run the script.
Look here for videos on scripting and other K1000/K2000 topics: - jknox 11 years ago