
IBM iAccess for Windows 7.1

1) Extracted the setup.exe by using the following command.

2) Setup.exe /a to a location that you want. This would extract the language pack also, something like MRI2XXX(not really sure of the number.

2)      Create a transform to cwbinstall.msi if needed. If not just leave it alone.

3)      Then modify the setup.ini file

3) In the commandline area to something like this.

4)       Then wrap the whole thing with the command line

setup.exe /s /v"/qn"


6) When you run this is it a silent install. But there is a Microsoft C++ 2005 redistributable that you need to install to install the service pack.

5)       Reboot the machine.

6)       If you have a service pack that you need to install then so the same thing like you did to the main installation. But there is a Microsoft C++ 2005 redistributable that you need to install to install the service pack. And do this commandline

9) image32\setup.exe /s /v"/qn"

7)      That should install the whole thing.

Deploying through KACE or SCCM 2007/2012:

Not Really sure how KACE works. But you need to create a task sequence in SCCM 2007/12(worked fine for both the SCCM's), which would do the following.

1)      Reboot the machine no matter what first.

2)      If there are any older versions remove them. ( skip if it a new machine install)

3)      Reboot the machine again.

4)      Install the main IBM iAccess Package first along with the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable.

5)      Reboot the machine

6)      Install the service pack.

7)      Reboot the machine again after that. That should take care of the whole install.


Hopefully this helps you man. It has been working great for me. No issues none so far.


  • You can slip stream the MRIXXX like this: Put the Language e.g. "MRI2924" into the Image64a directory, making sure that Setup.ini file in MRI2924" is set to "EnableLangDlg=Y" then use the following here is my batch:

    set myDIR=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Logs
    if not exist %myDIR% (mkdir %myDIR%)

    Rem Run install

    "%~dp0Image64a\setup.exe" /S /V"/qn TRANSFORMS="%~dp0Image64a\1033.mst" DISABLEAUTOUPDATE=1 ROOTDRIVE=C: REBOOT=ReallySuppress ALLUSERS=1 SETMULTIUSER=1 /liewa %myDIR%\IBMiAccessAlfa_7.1_R1_Install.log"

    Rem Add a firewall rule to enable I Access to work
    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="cwbunnav.exe for IBM iAccess Alfa 7.1" dir=in action=allow program="C:\program files (x86)\ibm\client access\cwbunnav.exe" enable=yes
    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="javaw.exe for IBM iAccess Alfa 7.1" dir=in action=allow program="C:\program files (x86)\ibm\client access\jre\bin\javaw.exe" enable=yes
    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="cwbopaoc.exe for IBM iAccess Alfa 7.1" dir=in action=allow program="C:\program files (x86)\ibm\client access\cwbopaoc.exe" enable=yes


    The uninstall is:

    set myDIR=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Logs
    if not exist %myDIR% (mkdir %myDIR%)

    MsiExec.exe /x{31E11496-1F84-4DCC-B07A-369B40B8B4A7} REBOOT=ReallySuppress MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=DisableShutdown MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=DisableShutdown /l*v! "%SystemDrive%\Logs\IBMiAccessAlfa_7.1_R1_Uninstall.log" /qn

    MsiExec.exe /x{CCA40624-843E-48C6-B14F-E1070015D87C} REBOOT=ReallySuppress REBOOTPROMPT=Suppress MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=DisableShutdown /qn

    MsiExec.exe /x{3186ACD0-B5C5-470E-ABE1-E4110C0A72BF} REBOOT=ReallySuppress REBOOTPROMPT=Suppress MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=DisableShutdown /qn

    REM IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM" (
    REM RMDIR /S /Q "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM"
    REM ) ELSE (
    REM Echo file is not there. 2>nul
    REM )

    netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="cwbunnav.exe for IBM iAccess Alfa 7.1"
    netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="javaw.exe for IBM iAccess Alfa 7.1"
    netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="cwbopaoc.exe for IBM iAccess Alfa 7.1"

    EXIT - mukhtar 7 years ago
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