
MS Visual Studio Professional 2015 with update 2

it has been quite a hazzle to install or uninstall Visual Studio Professional on a Win7 machine.

So here is it is.

\\ShareName\vs_professional.exe" /AdminFile "\\ShareName\DeploymentConfig.xml" /ProductKey XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /passive /norestart

Even after using the switches /full /NoWeb /NoRefresh it would not allow you to do the full installation.

"C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{fff81b2c-ab2d-44ff-a04a-a516a29e3e81}\vs_professional.exe" /uninstall /force /noRestart /passive

Using this as the uninstall string as the removes the whole application as a bundle.

If you are using anything before Update 2 it would ask you to update the application before you try to uninstall it. So get the latest version of the application and then do the install and then the uninstall.


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