
ITNinja Integration with Bundle Commander

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Bundle Commander is a pretty cool concept-- it helps you to create silent installation packages for popular software. For several popular products there are custom wizards that provide the options available (saving lots of research and testing) and for many others, the tool aims to detect the technlogy behind the setup in order to offer up any vendor supported switches to customize or automate the installation of the application. Read more about it at BundleCommander.com.

Note: Bundle Commander is built for users of Novell ZENworks Configuration Management, but worry not, a similar product is available as SetupCommander (targeted for users of SCCM and MDT). The end result is a package folder and command line so its value is not limited to users of these specific managment products.

I spent some time with the author of this tool, Roel van Bueren, at MMS 2012 and we discussed ways that this tool might integrate with ITNinja and it's knowledge base of software deployment tips. Plans are to provide some intelligent insight as to what ITNinja resources exist for any software with which you might be working on within Bundle Commander. However, with no help from the ITNinja team Roel has already managed to build in some smart searching in order to provide a context menu which allows you to jump right into ITNinja search results.

Check out a video of this feature in action...

ITNinja Integration from Roel van Bueren on Vimeo.



Best of luck to Roel and the success of his Bundle Commander tool, it is a great concept that is being well executed!


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