So I just about done with the grand summer reimage every system project, and have found that I didn't actually configure my Java deployment correctly. While I set JAVAUPDATE and AUTOUPDATECHECK to zero, considering myself safe from the dreaded Java Auto Update, it turns out there is a THIRD property you need to set, JU, in order to fully stop Java's updater.
Spare yourself from my fate, which looks like to be some script pushed out to all systems to somehow disable java auto update from prompting our user's to enter administrator credentials. (Which they don't have, and nobody like being reminded of that).
The Properties are set as such:
JU = 0
Now... am I missing some FOURTH property? 0_o
Sorry. I just need specifics as I am new to the K1000. - J.R. Colby 12 years ago
There are 2 msi installed with the java exe... java and the updater, if you are running XP you can just remove the AU app and the updater will be removed. On Win7 the uninstall of the updater gives a 1603 error at the end though it does seem to remove updater.
If you deploy with only the extracted msi, you really don't have to worry about updates, because AU is installed with a different MSI. The issue I have found is the msi is all messed up and we have had large failure % (30%) due to a 2753 errors which seems common with jacked up msi, where essentially just use msi as a wrapper and use CAs to actually install with cust dll calls etc. Also the msi will bork the install if you run it twice, but 3rd time will fix it again etc etc etc.
Java is just a plain old horrible msi, made worse because Oracle is changing it but not enough for the time being.
I ended up deploying the exe and then running vbs afterwards removing the jusched entry in RUN, and changing the EnableJavaUpdate entry in Policy to 0. - dandirk 12 years ago