
KACE: K1000/K2000: My Motherboard Has Been Replaced Or Will Be Replaced. What do I do? (Appliances shipped beginning November 2012)

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Summary:  This applies ONLY to KACE appliances shipped November 2012 and forward.  When the motherboard is identified for replacement or has been replaced, this article addresses how to import the iDRAC7 License and insure the appliance settings on the replacement motherboard are correct.

Issue:  The motherboard for your KACE 1000/2000 server has been replaced and you are seeing the following errors:

  1.  Spin Lock error messages appears on the Konsole of your appliance
  2. Processor error messages appear on the Konsole of your appliance

Resolution:  Please follow the steps below to resolve this issue:

NOTE:  If you were unable to pull your iDRAC license key prior to motherboard replacement please contact Dell KACE Technical Support for further assistance.

Export the license BEFORE motherboard replacement.  Enter the iDRAC, by pressing CTRL D when prompted during the post:

  1.  Go to the Licenses tab, and then select Export from the drop-down list under Device Options to export all licenses or click on the plus sign to view a specific license and select Export in that drop-down.
  2. Respond to the message asking if you want to Open, Save, or Cancel. Click Save if you want the file to go to the default downloads folder or click Save As if you want to select the exact location you prefer.

Go to the Licenses tab, and then select Export from the drop-down list under Device Options to export all licenses or click on the plus sign to view a specific license and select Export in the drop-down.


4.  Respond to the message asking if you want to Open, Save, or Cancel. Click Save if you want the file to go to the default downloads folder or click Save As if you want to select the exact location you prefer.

5.  The license can also be saved via the RACADM command.  If you are unsure of how to use this command, please contact Dell KACE technical support for assistance.


To export a license using RACADM:

[SH7757 ~]$ racadm license help export

License export - Exports licenses from various devices on the server.


racadm license export -u <username> -p <password> -f <license file name> -l <NFS/CIFS share> -t <transaction ID>

racadm license export -u <username> -p <password> -f <license file name> -l <NFS/CIFS share> -e <entitlement ID>


 Ensure KACE Appliance Settings Are Correct on Your KACE Appliance

Screenshots with the proper settings.  Re-boot via web interface and press F2 at the Dell Splashscreen until the BIOS screen appears:


NOTE:  The Network Cable MUST be plugged into the NIC port on the appliance and not the LOM ports on the motherboard.  LOM ports are not supported.




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