
New Company Question...

Hello. Myself and some other internal packagers for a large company are thinking about starting our own repackaging/deployment/migration services company. We have plenty of technical experience and we're just in the beginning stages of talking about this. We're kind of stuck on where to start. We need to determine the size of companies to market to and how to market them. We need to determine the types of services and pricing structure, but we have no idea right now how to come up with pricing schemes for these things. Right now, this business would be a side business...so nights and weekends and a few days off of work at first to get started. Does anyone have any guidance for this? Ideally, we would like to sit down with a business in another area of the country (or in Canada) that we wouldn't be competing with to really get a feel of how to run this type of business.

Any help would really be appreciated.



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