Here again your favorite Random Dude.
Today's topic is to provide an example for people that would like to have files copied over to a target machine so they can be used later (manual install maybe?).
1. We need to copy the needed files into a folder inside of the clientdrop SMB of the appliance. ( \\sda\clientdrop\test)
2. We go to the user interface of the SDA > Library > Choose action > "Add BAT Script..."
3. We assign a name to the task and enter the following text to the BAT Script box
Code so you can edit:
net use z: \\\clientdrop\test /user:admin Password
timeout /t 3 /nobreak
xcopy /y Z: C:\Users\Public\Desktop
4. Hit save
5. Add the post-install task to your deployment
This way everytime we deploy that MSI or any other file that we need is going to be copied to the machine for later use. I hope that this article makes your deployments a bit easier and a lot faster.
Is the zip file containing the password more secure? How is the zip more secure? - Eberfinn 4 years ago
much better results, thanks - 2 years ago
how to modify the script? - 2 years ago