
Post install task to copy files to a local folder in the target machine

Here again your favorite Random Dude.

Today's topic is to provide an example for people that would like to have files copied over to a target machine so they can be used later (manual install maybe?).

1. We need to copy the needed files into a folder inside of the clientdrop SMB of the appliance. ( \\sda\clientdrop\test)


2. We go to the user interface of the SDA > Library > Choose action > "Add BAT Script..."


3. We assign a name to the task and enter the following text to the BAT Script box


Code so you can edit:

net use z: \\\clientdrop\test /user:admin Password

timeout /t 3 /nobreak


xcopy /y Z: C:\Users\Public\Desktop

4. Hit save
5. Add the post-install task to your deployment

This way everytime we deploy that MSI or any other file that we need is going to be copied to the machine for later use. I hope that this article makes your deployments a bit easier and a lot faster.

See you in my next post!


  • A much better way to accomplish this would be to create an application post-install task that uses a script to copy the files. Place the script and the files in a zip file and upload that to the task. Then, enter the name of the script in the Full Command Line. - chucksteel 4 years ago
    • Why is it better to use the application post-install task instead of the BAT script task?
      Is the zip file containing the password more secure? How is the zip more secure? - Eberfinn 4 years ago
      • You don't need a password stored to mount the network drive, so, yes, it is more secure. The appliance will copy the contents of the zip file to the machine during the installation of Windows and then the script will run later to copy the files to their destination. - chucksteel 4 years ago
  • Another option, since you are using the shares on the SDA, is to use PETEMP (hidden share) instead. PETEMP is automatically mounted as the T: drive when you are in the KBE, so you could put the files into T:\Test, and then as a MID-Level task do "xcopy /y T:\Test C:\Users\Public\Desktop." No passwords needed and easy to swap out the files in PETEMP when they change. - andrew_lubchansky 3 years ago
  • "xcopy /y T:\Test C:\Users\Public\Desktop."
    much better results, thanks - asehwani@lfcu.com 2 years ago
  • the script asks me to specify "F" for file or "D" for directory during deploy from the SDA
    how to modify the script? - asehwani@lfcu.com 2 years ago
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