
Powershell Script to Check Cisco Switch Temperature

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Will need to test the switch has a temperature control that returns any data via show env temperature

Param (
    [String[]]$Commands = @("LOGINCOMMANDS","en","terminal length 0","show env temperature"),
    [string]$RemoteHost = "SWITCH-IP",
    [string]$Port = "23",
    [int]$WaitTime = 500

$Result = ""
$Result | out-file \\server\location\TEMP.txt
$Socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($RemoteHost, $Port)
If ($Socket)
{   $Stream = $Socket.GetStream()
    $Writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($Stream)
    $Buffer = New-Object System.Byte[] 1024 
    $Encoding = New-Object System.Text.AsciiEncoding

    ForEach ($Command in $Commands)
    {   $Writer.WriteLine($command) 
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $WaitTime
    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds ($WaitTime * 4)
    $Result = @()
    {   $Read = $Stream.Read($Buffer, 0, 1024) 
        $Result = ($Encoding.GetString($Buffer, 0, $Read))
        $Result = [string]::concat($Result,",")
        "$Result" | out-file '\\server\location\TEMP.txt' -Append

$RCSV= Get-Content \\server\location\TEMP.txt | Where {$_ -match 'temperature: '} 
write-host $RCSV

[int]$count = 0
[int]$datas = 0

foreach ($line in $RCSV)
$check = $line -match 'temperature: '

if ($check = $true) 
$newline = $line -replace '.*: '
$NL = $newline -replace 'C'
write-host " NL = $NL"
$datas = $datas + $NL
$count = $count + 1
[int]$favg=($avg * 1.8 + 32)

write-host "Average Core Temp = $favg degrees F"

if ($favg -lt 90)
send-mailmessage -from "Switch@Domain.edu" -to "Alert@Domain.edu" -subject "Core Temperature Cool" -body "Average Core Temp = <font color='blue'><b> $favg degrees F</b></font>" –BodyasHtml -smtpServer smtp.domain.edu
elseif ($favg -ge 90 -and $favg -le 100)
send-mailmessage -from "Switch@Domain.edu" -to "Alert@Domain.edu" -subject "Core Temperature Warm" -body "Average Core Temp = <font color='orange'><b> $favg degrees F</b></font>" –BodyasHtml -smtpServer smtp.domain.edu
elseif ($favg -ge 100)
send-mailmessage -from "Switch@Domain.edu" -to "Alert@Domain.edu" -subject "**Core Temperature HOT**" -body "<font color='red'><b> Average Core Temp = $favg degrees F - Check environment!</font></b>" –BodyasHtml -priority High -smtp smtp.domain.edu
send-mailmessage -from "Switch@Domain.edu" -to "Alert@Domain.edu" -subject "Core Temperature Faulty Reading" -body "Unable to pull accurate core temperature - Check Core Temperature script" –BodyasHtml -smtpServer smtp.domain.edu


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