I know I'm supposed to have retired from ITN but well, I thought I'd share one last thing.
When you're writing scripts or adding MSIs to SCCM or whatever, what a monumental pain it is to have to load the MSI into Orca/InstEdit, scroll to the Properties table then scroll to the ProductCode property, eh? Well, no more! Here's a script which will echo that property to the screen and copy it to the clipboard, ready for pasting to...wherever you fancy. Plus, I've even created a .REG for you that adds the script to Explorer's context menu. Obviously, you'll need to edit the script path in the .REG.
To answer the inevitable question, no, there is no guarantee, warranty or support of any kind.
@="Get Product &Code"
@="cscript c:\\windows\\syswow64\\GetProductCode.VBS \"%1%\""
Option Explicit
Dim blnResult
Dim strMSI
Dim strCodestrMSI = WScript.Arguments(0)
If Len(strMSI) = 0 Then
End IfblnResult = GetMSIProductCode(strMSI, strCode)
If blnResult Then
WScript.Echo strMSI & "'s ProductCode is " & strCode
blnResult = CopyToClipboard(strCode)
End IfFunction GetMSIProductCode(ByVal strMSIFile, ByRef strProductCode)
Const intMSI_OpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0 '// Opens a database read-only, no persistent changes
Const intMSI_OpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1 '// Opens a database read/write in transaction mode
Const intMSI_OpenDatabaseModeDirect = 2 '// Opens a database direct read/write without transaction
Const intMSI_OpenDatabaseModeCreate = 3 '// Creates a new database, transact mode read/write
Const intMSI_OpenDatabaseModeCreateDirect = 4 '// Creates a new database, direct mode read/write
Const intMSI_OpenDatabaseModeListScript = 5 '// Opens a database to view advertise script files, such as the files generated by the CreateAdvertiseScript method
Const intMSI_OpenDatabaseModePatchFile = 32 '// Adds this flag to indicate a patch fileGetMSIProductCode = False
If strMSIFile = "" Then
Exit Function
End If
Dim objInstaller
Dim objDatabase
Dim objView
Dim objRecordOn Error Resume Next
Set objInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
If Not IsObject(objInstaller) Then
Exit Function
End If
Set objDatabase = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strMSIFile, intMSI_OpenDatabaseModeReadOnly)
If Err.Number Then
Exit Function
End If
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("Select `Value` From Property WHERE `Property` ='ProductCode'")
objView.ExecuteSet objRecord = objView.Fetch
If Not objRecord Is Nothing Then
strProductCode = objRecord.StringData(1)
GetMSIProductCode = True
End IfSet objRecord = Nothing
Set objView = Nothing
Set objDatabase = Nothing
Set objInstaller = Nothing
End FunctionFunction CopyToClipboard(ByVal strText)
Dim objIE
CopyToClipboard = False
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
If Not IsObject(objIE) Then
Exit Function
End If
With objIE
.document.parentwindow.clipboardData.SetData "text", strText
End With
CopyToClipboard = True
Set objIE = Nothing
End Function