Event cancelled
Why not join us for the first Virtual KACE User Forum of 2023
We kick off 2023 with another UK KACE Virtual User Forum and we really want to know what you want to hear about. On our last session we discussed patching practices, aligned specifically with UK IT Cyber Essentials standards, we also found time to learn about new KACE related product releases and had an open Question and Answer Session.
1, What is the agenda for the meeting?
- Just like the previous meeting the agenda is made up of Quest update information about the KACE product, valuable information about how to use specific KACE functionality to resolve challenges, Open Q and A sessions to prompt discussion. We would love it if you set the agenda that way we know we are covering the subjects that give the most value and provide the most help
2, Who is hosting the UK KACE User Forum?
- Quest is hosting the event and providing KACE Staff to support
3, What is the specific KACE Subject matter for this meeting?
- This session we will be looking at the ServiceDesk functionality of the SMA. Over the last few years some really powerful functionality has been "snuck" into the ServiceDesk, so we will be taking a look at just what is available and what you can do with the truly flexible functionality.
4, Can I get my specific KACE product questions answered at the Forum?
- Yes!!! We want you to ask those questions, in fact once you register we will provide an email address for you to send them to us up front!!!
If not just keep them for the open Q&A section in the forum